BigCommerce - Clients & Contacts

This feature requires additional licensing. Please contact AcctVantage Sales for a quote.

Customers can be synced with your BigCommerce store in two different ways:

  1. Add customers to AcctVantage and export them to BigCommerce.
    • You will most likely be using this method if you are creating a brand new web store.
  2. Add customers directly in the BigCommerce store and import them to AcctVantage.
    • You will most likely be using this method if the web store already exists.
    • When the customer places an order via the web store, the Client record will be imported with the Sales Order.
    • See Client & Contact flow chart at end of this article for more detail.

Client (Sales Master) records

Any Client record in AcctVantage can be synced with BigCommerce to create (or update) customer info on your web store. The fields that are synced with BigCommerce are included in the table below ⬇️⬇️⬇️.

  • After the Client record has been synced between AcctVantage and BigCommerce, you can modify the record in BC to include details that are not stored in AV (e.g. images, additional attributes that are specific to your web store, etc.)
  • *Required fields:
    • Client Name
    • First Name
    • Email

*Additional fields from AcctVantage can be either added or removed from the upload to BigCommerce via custom script project.

AcctVantage Field BigCommerce Field
1 *Client Name last_name
2 *First Name first_name
3 *Email email
4 Telephone phone
5 Address Line 1 address1
6 Address Line 2 address2
7 City city
8 State state_or_province
9 Zip postal_code
10 Country country_code

1. Enter Client records in AcctVantage and Upload to BigCommerce

1.1. Upload Clients to BigCommerce

  1. Go to Sales > Sales Master.
  2. Highlight the Clients that you want to upload.
  3. Select the Action Menu > Export to Web Integration.
  4. Confirm the upload.
Sales Master - Export to Web Integration

1.2. Confirm the upload

Sales Master - Confirm Upload

1.3. Clients have been uploaded ...

1.3.1. ... in the BigCommerce Store.

In your BigCommerce store, select Customers on the left-hand sidebar to see a list of customers.

AcctVantage will only upload the Client records as they exist at the time of upload. After Clients have been uploaded to BigCommerce, any changes made to a Client on the AcctVantage side will not be updated on the BigCommerce side.

After your AcctVantage Clients are listed in BigCommerce, at that point you will need to maintain any changes in both places. For example, if you change a Client's address in AV, that change is not automatically pushed to BC -- you would need to make the change manually in BC.

Big Commerce - Customers

1.3.2. ... in AcctVantage.

When a Client (or Contact) has been imported from BigCommerce into AcctVantage, the record will be tagged with an Import ID.

The Import ID will be a concatenation of the Import Source Code (from System Setup) + the BigCommerce Customer ID.

A note on BigCommerce Guest accounts:

If a customer places an order as a Guest on BigCommerce, the Import ID will use the email address instead of customer ID. This is due to the fact that BigCommerce does not carry a customer ID on guest accounts.

The Import ID field can be added to the Quick Search or Power Search in AcctVantage in order to facilitate identifying your BigCommerce Clients, Contacts and Sales Orders.

Client Import ID

Open a Client record and click on the Additional Info 2 tab. The Import ID is located in the upper right-hand corner.

Client record - Import ID

Contact Import ID

Open a Contact record and click on the Memo/Other tab. The Import ID is located in the lower right-hand corner.

Contact record - Import ID

2. Enter Customer records in BigCommerce and pull them into AcctVantage

After entering a new Customer and a new Order on BigCommerce, both the Customer and Order will be pulled into AcctVantage.

This will happen when the Order Status matches the BigCommerce New Order Status that you defined in System Setup. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO (see item #3 under Integration Options).

2.1. Rules for how Clients, Contacts and Orders are created or updated in AcctVantage

  1. AcctVantage uses the BigCommerce Customer ID to attempt to match on Contact Import ID.
    • If there is a match, AV creates a new Sales Order for the Client who the Contact belongs to.
      • If there is no matching Contact found ...
  2. AcctVantage uses the BigCommerce Customer ID to attempt to match on Client Import ID.
    • If there is a match, AV creates a new Sales Order for the Client.
    • If there is no matching Client found, AV will create the Client and the Sales Order.
      • If there is no matching Client found AND Allow Client match by Email is checked in System Setup ...
  3. AcctVantage attempts to match the Email Address with an existing Contact.
    • If there is a match, AV creates a new Sales Order for the Client who the Contact belongs to.
    • If no match is found AND Allow Client match by Email is checked in System Setup ...
  4. AcctVantage attempts to match the Email Address with an existing Client.
    • If there is no matching Client found, AV will create the Client and the Sales Order.
  5. A script can be written to override steps 1-4 and do customized linking of Clients, Contacts and Orders.


  • In all cases, if duplicates are found we are hard coded to use information from the newest record.
  • If a company name is provided by BigCommerce, a Contact will always be passed in with the import. This means that a Client and Contact are both created.
  • Important: When matching on Email Address, the incoming BigCommerce record is treated as the master. This means company name, phone numbers, contacts, etc. will be overwritten with the info contained in the incoming order.

If you're more of a visual learner, maybe the flowchart below will better illustrate the rules for importing Client, Contacts and Sales Orders from BigCommerce.

Client and Contact Flow Chart