WooCommerce - Supported Features

This feature requires additional licensing. Please contact AcctVantage Sales for a quote.

WooCommerce has a tremendous number of settings, plug-ins, extensions, etc. that can impact the behavior of the system. In this article we describe the AcctVantage ERP / WooCommerce integration feature set. Please contact AcctVantage ERP Support  for details.

In many cases new features may be added via custom development. If you don't see something that you need, please get in touch!

1. Product Master Details

New Product records may be created in either WooCommerce or in AcctVantage.

  • If the Product record originates in WooCommerce, you must manually create a corresponding Product in AcctVantage (WooCommerce SKU = AcctVantage Part Number).
  • If the Product record originates in AcctVantage, the Product can be pushed to WooCommerce to create the record in Woo. The Product record created in Woo will be a Simple Product.

Only Inventory type products may be automatically uploaded to WooCommerce. Non-Inventory items may be created directly in Woo and then mapped to corresponding Product in AcctVantage. To activate the upload, the Sync to Webstore box must be checked on the AcctVantage Product record and the service must be enabled in System Setup.

1.1. SUPPORTED/Mapped Fields

AcctVantage ERP Field WooCommerce Field
Part Number SKU
Product Name Product Name
Inventory Check Box (True/False) Manage Stock Check Box
Default Sales/PO Line  Memo Description
Webstore Category (Inventory Tab of Product Record) Category ( nested/tiered categories are not supported)
List Price Regular  Price
Sell Price Sales Price
Weight Weight
Length Length
Width Width
Height Height
Taxable Tax Status (Taxable or None, Shipping Only unsupported)

1.2. Product Edits

When changes are made to the Product record in AcctVantage, the User can select to update the record in WooCommerce via an Action Menu item labeled Export to Web Store.

Changes made via WooCommerce are not pulled into AcctVantage.

1.3. UnSupported/UnMapped Fields

As of this writing (Nov 2022), the following attributes are not supported in the synchronization between AcctVantage and Woo. However, you may still manually configure these fields in Woo for use in the shopping cart.

This list is not exhaustive, there may be additional fields and attributes that are not supported by the integration.

  • Tags
  • Attributes
  • Variations (custom scripting is available, with some limitations)
  • Images
  • Linked Products
  • Shipping Class
  • Allow Backorders
  • Low  Stock Threshold
  • Virtual Checkbox
  • Downloadable Checkbox
  • SEO Data

2. Inventory

Inventory quantities 'in stock' can be pushed to WooCommerce in near real-time. Setup is simple.

  • The Product record must have the Sync to Webstore box checked on the Inventory tab.
  • A value greater than 0% must be entered in the % Of Available in Webstore field. This value indicates what percentage of Qty Available is pushed to WooCommerce's Stock Quantity field.
  • In System Setup, WooCommerce must have the Sync Inventory Levels attribute selected.
  • Also in System Setup, you will select a single warehouse as the source of inventory for the WooCommerce store.
  • Quantity is passed in base unit of measure; alternate Units of Measure are not support with regard to Quantity Availability.

Once the above setup items are addressed, AcctVantage will automatically update WooCommerce any time the quantity Available for a Product is changed (i.e. A transaction that is entered directly in AcctVantage and is not involved with a Woo sale in any way may impact Qty Available in both AcctVantage and WooCommerce.)

3. Clients & Sales Orders

Sales Orders entered in WooCommerce are automatically pulled into AcctVantage ERP on a set schedule. When an Order comes into AcctVantage, the system will attempt to match with an existing Client record or will create a new Client record if needed.

Sales Orders that originate in AcctVantage ERP are not pushed to WooCommerce.

3.1. Import Schedule & Order Status

The integration requires a 3rd Party WooCommerce extension/plug-in to manage Order Status.

In System Setup, there is a Check for new orders interval setting used to set the schedule (in minutes) for new Order retrieval. AcctVantage will automatically connect to WooCommerce on this schedule to look for new Orders.

A designated WooCommerce Order Status is used to indicate when an Order is ready for import into AcctVantage. Once successfully retrieved, AcctVantage will automatically change the Order status in WooCommerce to a predetermined value to indicate the Order is now 'in' AcctVantage.

Once the Order is in AcctVantage, fulfillment and processing proceeds as with any other Sales Order. As the AcctVantage Order Status is updated, AcctVantage can optionally update the Woo Order with a corresponding status according to mapping done via System Setup.

3.2. Client Matching

As Orders come into AcctVantage, the system will attempt to match an AcctVantage Client record using the WooCommerce Customer ID and, optionally, the Customer's email address.

A field on the Client/Sales Master Record, Import ID, is found on the Other Info 2 tab and will contain a 3 character Import Source Code assigned in System Setup plus the WooCommerce Customer ID. If a match is found, the Order will be associated with that Client record. If no match is found, a new AcctVantage Client record is created and the Import Source Code saved for future Orders.

In System Setup, you can activate an Allow Client Match by Email option. Using this option, if the Import Source Code does not produce a matching Client record, AcctVantage will look to the Client record's email address for a match. If found, the incoming Order is associated with the existing Client and the Import Source Code field is updated for future Order matching.

Whenever an Order is imported, AcctVantage with update the AV Client record with any changes made via the WooCommerce system.

Clients manually entered in AcctVantage will not have the Import Source Code assigned. AcctVantage does not push Client record changes up to WooCommerce. You may be able to work with your WooCommerce partner to import Customer records and then assign the Import Source Code in AcctVantage via the Import Wizard.

Using the Allow Client Match by Email option is also a convenient  way to manage Clients that were entered in AcctVantage prior to implementing WooCommerce.

3.3. Client Creation / Edits

When WooCommerce Orders are imported, the matching Client (or new Client) record will be updated with specific fields from the WooCommerce record. The following fields are mapped  from WooCommerce to AcctVantage Client/Sales Master.

WooCommerce Customer AcctVantage Client Record
ID Import ID
Billing Address Last Name or Company Name Client Name
Billing Address First Name First Name, The
Email Company Email
Website Web Address
Biographical Info Memo

If a Billing Address Company Name is provided with the Woo Order, then an AcctVantage Client record will be created for the Company and a Contact record will be created for the individual (First/Last Name) placing the Order.

3.4. Order Imports

Orders that originate in WooCommerce are imported into AcctVantage. Orders that originate in AcctVantage are not pushed to Woo.

3.4.1. Orders Originate in WooCommerce

The customer is given an order total/invoice amount when processing their Order via WooCommerce. Therefore, AcctVantage will not enforce any special pricing, tax, discounts, etc. on imported orders.

The logic is clear, WooCommerce is the source of truth for the Order. Once the Order is in AcctVantage, the User will generally not be allowed to change quantity, pricing, etc. that may impact the Invoice total.

3.4.2. Line Item Details

During import, line items will be validated against existing AcctVantage Product records (Woo SKU = AV Part Number). If a match is not found, the Order is rejected and the WooCommerce Order record is updated with a designated  status.

During import, AcctVantage will attempt to allocate inventory (Qty Ship) from the designated warehouse. If there is insufficient stock the line item will have the Qty BO value updated.

Unit price is never overridden during import for any reason.

AcctVantage will accept sales of Grouped items so long as each component of the group has a unique Product record in AcctVantage. Bundled or Variable products are not supported at this time.

3.4.3. Tax Area

A single AcctVantage Tax Area record is assigned to all incoming WooCommerce orders. It is assumed that detailed sales tax reporting will come from WooCommerce.

Avatax is supported by WooCommerce!

3.4.4. Ship To  Address

If an Order has a Shipping Address that differs from the customer’s Billing Address, AcctVantage will use the Billing Address details as the primary address for the Customer. The Shipping Address data will be saved to the Sales Order in AcctVantage for shipping integration and reference. A Ship To record is not created; the shipping address is saved to the Sales Order record only.

3.4.5. Payment Methods

WooCommerce supports several payment methods (credit cards, COD, etc.) For each WooCommerce Payment Method, a corresponding Receipt Type must be created in AcctVantage. Orders imported with a Payment Method that does not have a corresponding Receipt Type will be rejected and the Order Status in Woo set to “Failed”.

3.4.6. Coupons

WooCommerce Coupons are not supported as of this writing.

3.4.7. Shipping Methods

WooCommerce supports several shipping methods. For each WooCommerce Shipping Method, a corresponding “Freight Product” must be created in AcctVantage.

Orders imported with a Shipping Method that does not have a corresponding AcctVantage Freight Product can either have the Order imported with a <null> freight method, OR, an option exists in System Setup to have AcctVantage automatically create the corresponding "freight product" record.

Surprisingly, WooCommerce does not have native support for capturing Tracking Numbers. You may add tracking numbers, including via the easypost integration, in AcctVantage but those tracking numbers are not passed to WooCommerce.

3rd party WooCommerce plug ins exist for capturing tracking numbers

4. Credit Memos / Refunds

As of this writing, there is no support  for Credits/Refunds issued through WooCommerce. These credits must be duplicated manually in AcctVantage ERP.