AcctVantage ERP 2025 - Release Notes

In the release notes below, significant new features appear in bold type while CRITICAL CHANGES appear in red.

If you are upgrading from AV 2023 or prior:


  • Please note the current OS requirements:
    • macOS 13 (Ventura) - 15 (Sequoia)
    • Windows 10 - 11
    • Windows Server 2016 - 2022

AV 2025.3.2 (02/19/2025)

AV Mobile - Add support for viewing read-only sales document details on AV mobile.

Client - When merging clients, the 'default' flag on linked addresses was not being cleared on the merged records.

Listviews - Added new cross-references between the Client and MRP Forecast listviews.

Listviews - Added new cross-references between the Client and Lead Source listviews.

Listviews - Added new cross-references between the Sales Order and Lead Source listviews.

Listviews - Added new cross-references between the Sales Order and Parcel listviews.

Listviews - Fixed broken cross-reference from the Sales Order listview to the Client listview.

Receipt - Allow 'card present' CC terminals to be used through the receipt window.

Sales Orders - In certain situations Client ID could be cleared on linked line items.

Sales Orders - Kits using components with Price Breaks were not calculating correctly.

Sales Orders - Filling a Sales Order from a linked Work Order was not updating the 'Charge to AR' amount for clients with open accounts.

Sales Orders - In certain situations, when a new product alias was created through the sale order window it could assign an incorrect product ID.

Shopify - Orders paid with a foreign currency were not importing with USD on the receipts.

Shopify - Freight was not coming through on imported credit memos.

Shopify - In certain situations receipts would not be created on incoming credit memos with refunds.

Shopify - Non-English characters would not import correctly.

AV 2025.2.2

MySQL Export - Optimizations to increase performance.

AV 2025.2.0

General - New tool to export data file to a MySQL server.

Sales Orders - Show historical imports in the detail view sales history.

AV 2025.1.7

Sales Orders - During posting a Sales Order using a Tax Area with 'Exclude from AvaTax' selected was incorrectly being committed to AvaTax.

Shipments - New script hook for customization of what info is displayed in the rates area on the Shipment window.

AV 2025.1.6

EasyPost - Some carriers do not return 'retail' rates. In those cases 'list' rates will be displayed instead.

Sales Order - In certain situations Order Number would not be issued in sequence.

View Editor - Quick search items were being duplicated when importing a new view definition.

AV 2025.1.5

Mobile - In some situations Navigation menus were missing in the AcctVantage Mobile app.

Receipts - In certain situations receipt type could not be changed on un-posted, un-batched receipts.

Sales Orders - Copy/Paste in the line item area was not working on the first try.

Sales Orders - An incorrect client could be selected when duplicating a sales document after emailing forms.

Sales Orders - A new user preference was added to control whether the default ship via on a ship to address record should be used.

Shopify - When using a script to link an incoming order to a specific AV Client record, the Client Name field could be overwritten.

Vendor - When clicking into the vendor code field an alert would incorrectly appear.

Warehouse - Removed unused 'Product Class' area from Warehouse detail view.

AV 2025.1.4

Sales Orders - The report selection window would appear twice when using the 'OK & Print' button.

AV 2025.1.3

Sales Order - Creating an associated credit memo was incorrectly displaying an error.

AV 2025.1.2

Import Wizard - Bug Fix: New products were not being created via the Product Import Wizard.

AV 2025.1.1

Cycle Count - New script hook for customizing included subaccounts.

Sales Document - Bug fix: When duplicating a Sales Order, web integration related fields were being included.

AV 2025.1.0

AR Documents - Pending applied amounts on AR Documents linked to deleted receipt detail lines were not being recalculated.

AR Transactions - In certain situations AR Transactions could be posted using a date that is earlier than its linked AR Document.

Client - New AR Aging tab on the Client and Sales Master windows.

Import Wizard - Updating product records was not triggering updates to synced webstores.

Listview Windows - Quick search fields can now be changed to user-defined labels.

Price Break - New Feature: 'Default' price breaks that will auto-apply to all sales orders if no other matching price break is found.

Product Class - Bug fix: The GL inventory account could be changed while inventory was present.

Product Process - Bug Fix: Custom Booleans were not being set correctly.

Reconciliation - Power search tool enabled on the Reconciliation Session list view.

Reconciliation - Out-of-Balance reconciliation is no longer allowed.

Sales Order - Bug fix: In certain situations the discount field could not be cleared.

Sales Orders - Bug Fix: Sales Orders using an AvaTax excluded tax area could not be moved to 'Shipped' status.

Sales Orders - Product price lock was preventing Price Breaks from applying to line items.

Sales Orders - Renamed 'UPC' column to 'SKU'.

Sales Orders - 'Recalc Needed' was incorrectly being displayed on Sales Orders using Avatax override tax areas.

Sales Orders - Shipping account number and billing zip code was not always being set when selecting a ship-to address.

Sales Orders - New feature: 'Group' pricing with price breaks.

AV 2025.0.0

General - AcctVantage has been upgraded to run on 4D v20 R7

Requires new key file - contact AV Support

Requires new AcctVantage Client application (see downloads page)

Lead Source - Bug fix: A field label was not correctly displaying on the detail form.

Navigation - Bug Fix: The Navigation Bar was drawn too high on Apple laptops that have a camera 'notch' in the menu bar.

Product - Clarified auto-assembly build warehouse name.

Product Process - bug fix: Custom booleans were not mapped correctly on the detail form.

Product Recipe Components - New calculated column to display component costs in the Recipe list view.

System Configuration - Quick search now also looks at group.

System Setup - Bug fix: Fixed incorrect font on several fields.

Vouchers - Vouchers not marked 'Ready to Post' could be selected for posting.

Windows OS - AcctVantage now opens in multiple windows instead of just one on Windows OS.