AcctVantage ERP 2023 - Release Notes

In the release notes below, significant new features appear in bold type while CRITICAL CHANGES appear in red.

If you are upgrading from AV 2020 or prior:

  • AV 2023 requires a new key file - contact AcctVantage Support
  • AV 2023 requires a new AV Client
  • All of the old format PagePro custom forms will be deleted upon upgrading to AV 2023.
    • If you still have any custom forms that were not converted to the new hmReports format before using AV 2020 or 2021, they will need to be converted BEFORE upgrading to AV 2023.


  • Please note the current OS requirements:
    • macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) - 14 (Sonoma)
    • Windows 10 - 11
    • Windows Server 2012 - 2019

AV 2023.6.16

Qiagen - Updated mapping

AV 2023.6.15 (10/31/2024)

Import Wizard - An error was occurring when trying to import a date field using the MRP Forecast import.

NACHA - New GL Account field 'Bank Issued Company ID' can be used with NACHA exports.

Salesforce - The field [User]Salesforce_OwnerID is no longer cleared prior to sync events.

AV 2023.6.14

Qiagen - Updated mapping

Receipts - Custom fields added to the Receipt table. Custom buttons added to the Receipt form.

2023.6.12 (08/30/2024)

Sales Document - New calculated column to display total costs of any linked PO line items.

SPS - Remove sales tax data from outbound Amazon 810s.


Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Alternate vendor addresses could not be selected.


Qiagen - Now prepending Vendor Code to generated and processed files.

Qiagen - Added Comments section to 850 export.

2023.6.8 (07/01/2024)

Inventory Rebuild - Bug Fix: Precision greater than 2 decimal places was not being applied to inventory sub-account rebuilds.

SPS - Updated Amazon 856 export to support parcels.

2023.6.4 (04/22/2024)

Mobile - Printing Sales Documents now cites the document type and ID in the PDF file name.

Mobile - Under certain circumstances, Sales Documents were not saving properly.

2023.6.3 (04/11/2024)

Inventory - New script hooks for custom lot filtering on inventory selection dialogs.

Inventory Lots - In certain situations the lot locking history could report an incorrect user name.

2023.6.2 (04/01/2024)

Sales Orders - Changes could be lost if an existing Sales Order was edited and then a new shipment created.

2023.6.1 (03/27/2024)

System Reports - In certain situations system reports were not printing.

2023.6.0 (03/11/2024)

AV Mobile - Bug Fix: New Correspondence records were not getting assigned their Email Sent Date/Time like they do in the LAN client.

AV Mobile - Bug Fix: Client Contact address was not populating.

AV Mobile - In certain situations Sales Orders could not be saved.

Inventory Maintenance - Location is now enterable on Inventory Draws.

Inventory Maintenance - Selecting or changing the warehouse on an Inventory Maintenance record will no longer auto-set the location.

MRP - 'Parent Assembly Open Sales' was not calculating correctly.

Purchase Orders - Bug Fix: When clicking the 'Ok & Voucher' button, if the inventory receive date was different than the voucher date those line items would not display on the voucher.

Reports - Records were remaining locked when entering the print report window.

Shopify - Updated API call for Orders to current Shopify version.

User - Created and modified fields were not being set correctly.

Utilities - GL Summary Rebuild can now be run in Client/Server.

Warehouse Transfer - Fixed typo in a warehouse transfer alert message.

Warehouse Transfer -  Bug Fix: Saving a 'Received' transfer could cause an error message if inventory had already been processed.

AV 2023.5.4

Inventory - Under certain circumstances under Average Costing, it was possible for a draw cost to be miscalculated, causing an error during posting.

AV 2023.5.3 (02/19/2024)

SPS - Fixed an error for outgoing 810s and 855s for the trading partner Applied Industrial.

SPS - Fixed an error on outgoing 856s for the trading partner Amazon and Amazon Canada.

AV 2023.5.2 (02/08/2024)

AV Mobile - Bug Fix: Warehouse was not auto populating on Sales Docs.

AV Mobile - Bug Fix: Line item memos were not being populated properly on Sales Docs.

AV Mobile - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, Price Breaks were not being applied properly on Sales Docs.

AV 2023.5.1 (01/29/2024)

Attachments - In some situations documents could not be opened when trying to attach them to records.

Plugins - Updated XL plugin to v2.0.6

Reports - Records were remaining locked after running some reports.

Work Order - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, it may have been possible for a voided Work Order to have an un-voided inventory transaction.

AV 2023.5.0 (01/24/2024)

Email - User signature was not being added to some emails.

Mobile - Fixed a bug involving UM on mobile sales orders.

MRP - MRP backorder calculations were not handling Ord-BO type orders correctly.

MRP - Corrected an issue with demand forecast for planned Work Orders.

Payments - Payment Type custom form settings were not being respected.

Products - Updated logic for choosing costs when default, primary vendor, and secondary costs are present.

Products - Product aliases of voided products were not being deleted.

Purchase Order - PO Receive date on additional receive events could change after creating a voucher from within a PO.

Sales Documents - After changing a kit's BOM on a product record the margin and default PO cost would not be correct on updated sales orders.

Shopify - A new field was created to receive incoming Shopify ship-to phone numbers.

SPS - Fixed Carrier Alpha Code in Advance Auto 856.

SPS - Fixed an error that was occurring during O'Reily 810 exports.

SPS - Added 'Applied Industrial' trading partner.

Warehouse Transfer - Added create/modify by support to Warehouse Transfer detail form 'record info' dialog.

Work Order - Work orders created from a sales order could become stuck if multiple warehouse work orders are enabled.

AV 2023.4.8

BigCommerce - Calls to the BigCommerce API requesting customer group info was not working correctly.

SPS - Added O'Reilly/Ozark trading partner.

System - Adding duration logging for scripts, background tasks, and web integration tasks.

AV 2023.4.7

Email - In some situations email signatures were not being formatted correctly.

AV 2023.4.6

SPS - In certain situations sell price would not be initialized correctly on order imports.

AV 2023.4.5

EasyPost - Fixed UI errors.

AV 2023.4.4

Parcel - Added level reference on parcel level.

Parcel - HazMat support on parcel level.

Parcel - Pack value added to parcel detail contents.

Parcel - Parcel insurance added to parcel detail screen.

Shipments - Fixed UI issue.

AV 2023.4.3

SPS - Kits were not sending correctly on Advance Auto 856.

AV 2023.4.1

EasyPost - Ship From Warehouse now selectable on sales order linked shipments.

EasyPost - New HazMat codes added.

Imports - SKU can now be used for product lookup on imported orders. This change applies to all integrated e-commerce platforms.

AV 2023.4.0

Client - Added new script hook to Client Quick List for customized queries.

Shipments - New script hook added.

Shipments - Remove Carrier selection dropdown list.

Web Integration - New relation table that can be use for quick ID lookups.

Web Server - The web server was not auto-launching in the single user environment.

AV 2023.3.5

Web Integrations - New process delay created to prevent the web integration background task from causing lock ups.

AV 2023.3.4 (08/31/2023)

Purchase Order - Fixed UI issues.

Sales Orders - Fixed UI issues.

SPS - Updated Advance Auto field mapping.

AV 2023.3.3

CardPointe - Pass 'orderid' as string.

Pre-defined Packages - Changed fields length, width, and height from type integer to real.

SPS - Supporting values for imported kits was not being saved correctly.

SPS - New trading partner: 'Advance Auto'.

AV 2023.3.2

SPS - Added script hook to 810 exports.

AV 2023.3.1

CardPointe - Corrected authorization type being sent.

SPS - Only send tax info on 810 exports if tax does not equal $0.00

SPS - Updated 'Part Number' script hook to support multiple trading partners.

AV 2023.3.0 (07/11/2023)

EasyPost - Shipments with ten or more parcels could cause AV to timeout before a reply from EasyPost was received.

Payment Gateways - Support for CardPointe added.

Sales Order - In certain situations MRP calculations would cause Ord-BO type sales orders to take an excessive amount of time to save.

Sales Orders - Columns for unit cost and extended cost added to kit component view.

SPS - Additional fields supported in 850 order imports.

SPS - Added 'AutoZone' trading partner.

System Reports - The report 'Client Sales Comparison' would not print on Windows.

AV 2023.2.0 (06/14/2023)

Accounts Receivable - The fields 'Paid Date' and 'Days To Pay' were not being set when client deposits were applied to open receivables.

Custom Forms - Cleaned up UI in custom form detail view.

GL Accounts - In certain situations duplicate GLSetup_Check records could be created.

GL Imports - In certain situations an error would appear when processing a GL import file.

Mobile - Improved product lookups.

Mobile - Remove system configuration option for exact match product queries.

Parcel - In certain situations parcel detail would not load.

Sales Document - In certain situations changes to the 'Custom List' on the Notes tab would not be saved.

Sales Document - Parcel tracking numbers were not navigating to the correct URL when clicked.

Sales Order - Added footer totals for all quantity columns in the Line item area.

SPS - New field 'SPS Merchandise Type Code' added to Client table and mapped in WalMart 856 export.

SPS - Shipment Date added to Date section of WalMart 856 export.

SPS - Changes to 850 and 860 exports.

SPS - 'Test Connection' button added to SPS setup screen.

SPS - New script hook for custom Pack Qualifier values on 850 and 860 Exports.

SPS - Added error logging to 850 and 860 Exports.

Work Order - Setup costs could be set with no GL account defined in System Setup.

Work Order - Added 'Unit of Measure' for final assembly.

AV 2023.1.3 (05/18/2023)

Product - Kit and Assembly sell prices, vendor costs, and weights are no longer updated via background tasks when component product records are updated using the Product detail form.

SPS - Summary totals were including non-inventory items on some 810 exports.

AV 2023.1.2 (05/17/2023)

Inventory Shortages - The 'Use Script' check box can now be unchecked to use the standard method.

Shopify - New script hook to force import of receipts for certain transaction types.

SPS - New fields added to 850 and 860 Exports.

SPS - Support added for Allowance Charges on incoming 850 and outgoing 810 documents.

AV 2023.1.1 (04/24/2023)

Purchase Order - New system configuration setting for default state of the 'Drop Ship' checkbox on new POs.

Shipments - SSCC generator no longer auto-prepending leading '0' of company prefix.

Shipments - New field: PRO Number

SPS - Walmart ASN can now send up shipment level PRO Number and Tracking Number.

System Configuration - Added 'Quick Search' feature.

AV 2023.1.0 (04/20/2023)

Check - In certain situations 'Created by' and 'Modified by' user name could be set incorrectly.

IDs - Alert stating 'Someone is editing IDs' made more descriptive.

Mobile - New system configuration option for exact match product queries.

Parcels - In certain situations the Parcel form would not display the loaded data.

Purchase Order - Foreign Currency columns were widened.

Purchase Order - New field 'Required Ship By Date' added.

Purchase Order - New 'Drop Ship' boolean added to the Purchase Order Screen.

Sales Order - Ship To Address: In certain situations some Ship To Address fields could get incorrectly overwritten.

Shipping - Expanded support for SSCC codes.

Shopify - Changes to Product Sell Price Were Not Updating Properly

SPS - Support Buyer Part Number and Mfg Part Number as Product Lookups on EDI 850 Imports

SPS - EDI Mapping Improvements

SPS - Support for exporting 860 change orders.

SPS - Use Parcel detail when generating a Walmart 856 ASN.

SPS - New trading Partner 'Walmart'.

SPS - New fields added to 850 export mapping.

AV 2023.0.1 (03/16/2023)

General - AcctVantage has been upgraded to run on 4D v18.6

Requires new key file - contact AV Support

Requires new AV Client (see downloads page)

Client - Global Replace was not refreshing the list view.

Client - When using Client Merge, the Name field on Ship To Address records will no longer be updated.

Credit Cards - Transactions up to 180 days old can be credited back.

Inventory Maintenance - Quantity precision now matches System Setup values.

Inventory Maintenance - Draw quantities are no longer restricted by what is available. The entire 'on-hand' quantity can be drawn out.

Journal Entries - Better error messages for subsidiary type entries.

MRP - MRP date headers were not updating when selecting a different warehouse.

MRP Forecast - Power Search enabled on the MRP Forecast listview.

MRP Forecast - New calculations for the field 'Quantity Consumed'.

Products - In certain situations an error could be shown during inventory rebuilds.

Sales Document - In certain situations credit memo return quantities could be calculated incorrectly.

Sales Order - In certain situations an error could occur when picking an associated credit memo that contained a kit.

Sales Orders - In certain situations the system may lock up when converting a quote with many line items to an order.

Vendor - The field 'Default Payment Type' was not being set when creating a new Vendor record.

View Editor - In certain situations the view editor would not properly save changes made to view definitions.

Vouchers - If a Non-Inventory PO Line on a Voucher is not associated with a Product record always use the System Setup Default COGS account when posting.

Woo Commerce - New setting: 'Do not import orders created before date'.