AcctVantage ERP 2013 - Release Notes

WARNING: If you are currently using a version prior to v2013.2.0.0, you need to contact AV Support before downloading or running the installer. Failure to do so could render some of your data irreparable.

This article will detail the contents of each new AcctVantage ERP release. You will see that most version numbers contain only a few minor fixes or targeted new features. We will announce a new release when major changes have been made or when we've built up a number of interim releases that warrant a release announcement.

  • AcctVantage version upgrades are free for Customer Care Program members! To upgrade, you will need to contact Support to request a key file.
  • Key new features and bug fixes are highlighted in BOLD.


v2013.2.2.1 - 11/18/2014

Sales Order - New script hooks when calculating sales order promotions.

v2013.2.2.0 - 10/23/2014

General - Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite compatibility

v2013.2.1.9 - 09/24/2014

Import Wizard - Bug Fix: Default UM set if none specified when importing price breaks.

Once Daily Update - New Feature: Add system configuration preferences for enabling/disabling a few once daily update tasks.

Tasks - Bug Fix: Couldn't click through to tasks on alert notice.

Work Order - Bug Fix: In certain situations multiple 'auto-created' GL entries could be generated and saved.

v2013.2.1.8 - 09/16/2014

Once Daily Update - Added new script hooks.

Products - Bug fix: Kit prices were not updating correctly when changing a kit from 'Fixed Price' to the sum of its components.

Quick Check - Bug: Tabbing through the GL fields on a quick check was causing a lockup.

Sales Order - Bug fix: When adjusting a kit on a sales order, sometimes the price would appear incorrect.

Sales Order - Bug fix: Job Cost tab was not updating properly.

System Configuration - Bug Fix: Modifying a system configuration setting was causing the list to jump to the top.

v2013.2.1.7 - 08/25/2014

Clients - Bug Fix: Updated Client Statements report to eliminate subtable use

Pick Pack - Bug Fix: In certain situations the 'apply payment' dialog would appear and prevent users from continuing.

v2013.2.1.6 - 08/18/2014

Sales Document - Bug fix: When selecting documents to email/print, long lists was being 'jumpy.'

Sales Document - New Feature: Added line memo 2 to the the Invoice Detail windows.

Sales Document - Bug fix: Adding new lines to existing sales orders now adds the line at the bottom.

System Setup - Bug fix: Account code was not being parsed correctly when adding dashes.

System Setup - Bug Fix: Field labels were not aligned in System Setup.

v2013.2.1.5 - 08/04/2014

General - Bug Fix: Database indexes were missing.

Receipts - Bug Fix: A redraw loop was occurring when tabbing through the detail area list on receipts.

Fiscal Period Setup - Bug fix: Fiscal periods weren't displaying. (Windows OS only.)

General - Bug fix: Cancel and OK buttons were being moved off screen when they were clicked. (Windows OS only.)

v2013.2.1.4 - 07/30/2014

Adjusting Journal Entry - Bug Fix: An Error was occurring when creating a reversing journal entry.

Purchase Orders - Bug Fix: In certain scenarios, warehouse and PO type fields were locked on new POs.

Voucher - Bug Fix: AP Voucher Detail records were not being deleted when canceling a new voucher.

Voucher - Bug Fix: A redraw loop was occurring when tabbing through the detail area list on vouchers.

v2013.2.1.3 - 07/28/2014

Credit Cards - Bug fix: Fixes bug introduced by processing change.

Purchase Orders - New Feature: Free Freight Threshold on Purchase Orders.

v2013.2.1.2 - 07/15/2014

Adjusting Journal Entries - Bug Fix: In certain cases the AJE totals were not updating.

Administration - Enable Import Wizard for this release.

Administration - Bug Fix: In certain cases, when exiting the system configuration window additional pop up may occur and new settings lost.

Administration - Fixed general bugs in the Price Break Importer.

Administration - Fixed general bugs in the Vendor Importer.

Administration - Fixed general bugs in the Bill of Materials Importer.

Administration - Fixed general bugs in the Product Alias Importer.

Administration - Fixed general bugs in the Product Importer.

Administration - Fixed general bugs in the Contact Email/Telephone Importer.

Administration - Fixed general bugs in the Client Importer.

Check Register - Bug Fix: In certain cases the quick check totals were not updating.

Contact - Bug fix: Custom Checkbox labels on the Client form were enterable.

General - New Feature: Relations added between InvoiceDetail and Client tables

General - Bug fix: New catch for errors when opening files, need to add 'On Err Call' when using.

Inventory Maintenance - Bug Fix: In certain cases the inventory maintenance totals were not updating.

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: In certain cases the purchase order totals were not updating.

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Default blank lines were not appearing.

Receipt - Bug Fix: In certain cases the receipt totals were not updating.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: In certain cases the sales order totals were not updating.

Voucher - Bug Fix: In certain cases the voucher totals were not updating.

Work Order - Bug Fix: In certain cases the work order totals were not updating.

v2013.2.1.1 - 07/01/2014

Administration - Bug fixes for Import/Update Wizard

Purchase Order - Bug: Fixed ALP errors in the Purchase Order Detail area.

v2013.2.1.0 - 06/24/2014

Administration - Turn off Import Wizard for this release.

Administration - New Feature: Import/Update Wizard

Back Order - Bug Fix: Use the Invoice Detail Required Ship Date when creating a Back Order, not the Sales Order Required Ship Date.

Checks - Bug Fix: Printing Quick Checks could update the wrong check with printing details.

Client - Bug Fix: Credit Hold date was being reset to Today every day instead of retaining original hold date.

Detail Forms - Bug Fix: Various detail forms were causing errors related to the ALP upgrade.

General - New Feature: Writing to MS Excel files, reading from MS Excel files improved.

General - Upgrade to Area List Pro v9.7

List Views - Bug Fix: List View display values were not updating after editing a record.

Magento - Bug Fix: Calls to the Magento web store interface were being made when Magento was not enabled.

Menus - Bug Fix: Menus were not being built properly if Standard modules were licensed.

Product - Bug Fix: Opening a Product record was causing dialogs to appear inappropriately.

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Purchase Order was displaying an inappropriate dialog at save.

Sales Documents - New Feature: [InvoiceDetail]ComponentSequence is now an XML importable field.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Column header for Sell Price on Product Lookup window was labeled incorrectly.

Sales Order - Bug: Editing a kit on a Sales Order was showing unnecessary dialogs.

System Setup - Bug Fix: Horizontal scroll bar was not appearing on pop lists.

System Setup - Bug Fix: Choice lists were not in place for Client Relation and Vendor Relation defaults.

Work Order - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, sub-Work Orders were not being created properly.

Work Order - Bug Fix: Work Order was allowing users to edit cell data on the Non-Inven tab when it should not.

v2013.2.0.2 - 05/05/2014

AR - Bug Fix: The AR Aging Summary report was showing the original Document Amount under the 'Total Due' heading.

AR/AP - Bug Fix: AR/AP Aging Detail was not being displayed on the AP/AR document detail form.

Client - Change: Client Relation combo box choice list should not be modifiable.

Client - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, entering Client Group or Client Category on the Client detail screen could cause errors.

Inventory - Bug Fix: Inventory Statistics update was improperly recording statistics for inactive warehouses.

MRP Forecasts - New cross-reference between MRP Forecast window and Sales Orders, Sales Analysis and Product Windows

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Voiding a Purchase Event that used a Unit of Measure other than the base unit would return the wrong amount to the PO line item.

Record IDs - Change: Reuse rejected record ID values for all tables with ID fields.

Sales Document - New auto quote-to-order conversion.

Sales Order - Change: Allow column resizing and save on detail area of Sales Order ➤ Kit Detail screen.

Work Order - Bug Fix: Under certain multi-warehouse circumstances, saving as Picked would wrongly report that auto-transfers could not be done.

v2013.2.0.1 - 03/19/2014

AP/AR - Bug Fix: AR and AP detail print records were not getting cleared before being updated causing duplicates on reports.

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, PO line items could fail to be updated after receiving.

v2013.2.0.0 - 02/26/2014

Client - Change: Client Prior YTD totals now calculate in Daily Update routine.

Purchase Order - Change: Sorting of PO line items should only be done on the main tab, not on the receiving tab.

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Receiving PO Lines with UM could cause errors.

v2013.1.1.0 - 02/26/2014

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, PO line items could fail to be updated after receiving.

v2013.1.0.9 - 02/06/2014

Client - Bug: Fixed error where Client YTD sales totals were not calculating correctly

Product - Bug Fix: Product ➤ Inventory Levels (min, max, etc.) were not saving correctly.

Purchase Order - New Feature: Auto-create AP Voucher on PO receive.

Startup - New script hook at AV startup

v2013.1.0.8 - 01/22/2014

AP & AR Aging - New Fields: AP and AR Aging now have fields for exact past days due.

AP Voucher & Disbursement - Change: Activate the relation between Vouchers and Disbursements so the View Editor can access related fields.

Check - Bug Fix: Printing a Quick Check could print an older check with the same check number.

Check - Bug Fix: Attaching documents to checks could clear the check amount.

Check - Bug Fix: Attachments to Check records with no check number were showing up for all checks with no check number.

Imports - Can now read in Foreign character sets.

Magento Integration: You will see a new tab in the System Setup screen for Magento, which is a widely used web store that we will be integrating with. Contact AV Support if you would like to participate in the beta program for this exciting new feature. At this time, we do not recommend trying to ‘go it alone’ in configuring the web store options.

Magento - Bug Fix: Updated Magento calls to use HTTP/1.1

PO Receive - Change: When auto-filling a Sales Order from a PO receive event, override Qty Reserve system and always allocate received units to the parent Sales Orders.

Print Checks - Checks printed using a custom form are now printed as a single print batch rather than many individual print jobs.

Product - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, the Product screen Inventory tab could show an extra set of values.

Product - New 'pop out' window for the product line memo description.

Product - Bug Fix: Could not inactivate a product that was a component of an inactive assembly.

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Auto-selecting lots on Debit Memos could return the wrong quantity.

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Deleting lines when receiving a PO was not updating the received quantity.

Purchase Order/Debit Memo - New Feature: A few versions ago we added the ability to do an “unassociated” debit memo; meaning you do not need to indicate the specific inventory Lot that is being returned, and you can dictate the unit price for the items being returned. This means the inventory asset's GL value and the debit memo value could be out of sync. A new field has been added to the PO table for “Received Value” to indicate the actual value (Qty * Unit Price) of the items being received/returned versus the carrying/GL value. We suggest adding the new ReceivedValue field to your PO List screen via the View Editor.

Sales Master - Bug Fix: Stop overwriting Client account defaults when changing Client Relation for existing Clients.

Sales Master - Bug Fix: When adding a Sales Order via the Sales Master screen, do not use an add loop, just add the one.

Sales Order - New Feature: Allow Editing of some Custom Text fields on a Posted Sales Order.

Sales Order - Change: Custom field values on Sales Order now get copied to associated Credit Memos.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, the Sales Order Charge to AR field value was not being updated properly.

Sales Order - New Feature: Adding a line item will now insert above the selected line.

Sales Order - Change: Update line item prices if the price break date changes.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Changing the Required Ship Date on a Sales Order could update line item unit prices incorrectly.

Sales Summary - Bug Fix: In the once daily update routine, Sales Summary should only update if enabled in system configuration.

Scripts - Bug Fix: Exporting scripts now promptes the user for a save path.

Shipments - Bug Fix: Tracking Number hyperlinks weren't linking properly.

View AR Aging - New button to open originating record from within View AR Aging.

Work Order - New Feature: Added 'Qty on WO' tracking on the Product record Inventory tab.

v2013.1.0.7 - 12/04/2013

Bug fix - Don't mark an order Shipped/Invoice from the action menu if payments need to be made.

Bug fix - Client relation field wasn't showing on Client and Sales Master forms.

Bug fix - Set the product category drop down value when selecting the product class.

Bug fix - Product names could be in wrong order on Sales Summary tab of the Sales Master form.

Bug fix - Error when adding Contacts and Ship/Bill To records in SalesMaster.

Bug fix - Respect the secondary vendor part number on a purchase order line item.

Bug fix - Sales Master form UI fixes.

Bug fix - Voucher ID not showing in Disbursements detail form.

Bug fix - Don't crash when deleting blank work order line items.

Bug fix - Increase the size of the line memo popup.

Bug fix - Fix tab order on product detail form.

Check Register - Change: Add signed amount field to Check table for use in display on Check Register list view. Sortable.

New - Add "Entered By" field to inventory maintenance record info dialog.

New - Receipt detail column widths can now be saved.

New - Purchase order line items now in the same sequence of the parent sales order line items.

Product/Warehouse - Bug Fix: Location selection in Product, Inventory tab showing wrong location list.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Window title on Sales Order list view not always being set correctly.

v2013.1.0.6 - 10/29/2013

Bug fix - No longer changing the data entry qty reserve when using the XML importer.

Sales Order - OK & Print button no longer inactive on posted records.

Sales Order - New Feature: Added 'OK & Email' button to the Sales Order window.

v2013.1.0.5 - 10/28/2013

Bug fix - Minor issues with Inventory Maintenance form and Jobs.

Bug fix - Default Job Phase & Task not being created.

Bug fix - The Job form now makes the job name and client name fields required fields.

Bug fix - Product Inventory Levels not displaying.

Bug fix - Inventory transactions not created for orders in some instances.

v2013.1.0.4 - 10/17/2013

Bug fix - Fix spelling of Ship/Bill To on new nav menu.

Bug fix - Fix email invoice and PO PDFs on Windows.

Bug fix - Clicking Recalc on the MRP tab could change the current warehouse selection.

Bug fix - Ship to address fields weren't editable on Windows

Bug fix - Job status and group field weren't showing choice lists.

Bug fix - Some Purchase Order line items weren't getting autofilled on a Sales Order

Bug fix - Cross references not working for Inventory Maintenance to GL Imports & External Transactions

Bug fix - New receipts didn't default to the balance due.

Bug fix - Make the PO memo field size more appropriate to the number of characters allowed.

Bug fix - On a Debit Memo, restrict serial number choices to those that belong to the selected lot.

Bug fix - Fix incorrect popup windows sizes on Contact form.

Bug fix - Fix bug when calculating order cost when Sales Document/Unassociated Credit Memo Cost was set to "Current Average Cost"

Bug fix - Fix issue for forward navigation buttons on Vendor window.

Bug fix - Re-add disabled states to back and next buttons.

Bug fix - In some cases you would get an error when printing a list view.

Bug fix - Don't look up the client on a receipt by invoice number if field is blank.

Bug fix - In some situations the ship date was not being saved on an order.

Bug fix - Vendor code not carried over to PO.

Bug fix - When some forms were opened it prevented other forms from being opened.

Debit Memo - New Feature: Set AIP value to debit memo line item value rather than the inventory draw value. Offset the difference at Purchase Event posting using the System Setup GL Cost Adjustment account.

Debit Memo - New Feature: Auto-select lots on debit memos.

New - Added support for Mac OS 10.9 (Mavericks)

New - Add popup editor for Sales Master memo field.

New - Invoices can now have receipts dated before the invoice date.

New - Added script hook in Chart of Accounts detail form.

New - Always use the location on the inventory sub account record as the default location.

New - Restrict the inventory sub account location to existing locations on a warehouse.

New - Use new style drop down lists on more forms.

New - Add a "Quantity on Work Order" row to the product inventory table.

New - Update UI for Check Register detail and the Print Checks dialog.

New - Add script hook for when the vendor changed on a Purchase Order.

New - Make showing related client/vendor documents user configurable.

New - Add order data and invoice date to Sales Order table on the Sales Master detail form.

New - Upgrade to PagePro 1.3

New - Add system configuration for default browser

New - Don't ask to update prices if we chose not to update the required ship date.

New - Make popup lists dialogs bigger to accomodate large font sizes.

New - Receipt status for non credit card receipts is not very relevant.

New - Make client number an XML importable field.

Print Checks - Added new check form 'Deluxe DLM174'.

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Auto-filling a Sales Order from a linked Purchase Order was not always shipping the proper quantity.

Work Order - New Feature: Auto fill sales order and backorders from a work order.

v2013.1.0.3 - 09/11/2013

General - Fix: Completion matching in new style drop down boxes.

Client - Fix: Account defaults not being set correctly on Client when created from order form.

Bug - Ask to save modified records before adding attachments or tasks.

Check - Fix: Don't change the vendor name on existing checks.

Contact - Fix: Copy contact address from parent record and make it user configurable.

Price Break - New feature: lookup price break by required ship date.

Print Checks - Fix rare instance of checks getting skipped when printing.

Sales Master - Quotes not showing on orders and quotes tab.

Sales Order - New feature: Add dialog when a kit price changes on an invoice.

UI Bug - Contact title field on contact detail form.

UI Bug - Client relation field on client and sales master detail forms.

Work Order - Unassociated Work Order explodes are now supported.

v2013.1.0.2 - 08/22/2013

Navigation Menu - Bug fix: Fixed navigation showing wrong menu items.

Sales Order - New feature: Add client number to the Client pop up list.

Print Checks - Bug fix: Error when printing checks for some some payment types.

UI Bug - Couldn't enter vendor relation.

UI Bug - Price break dialog wasn't showing popup for the price break type.

UI Bug - Fixed list view resizing bug.

UI Bug - Fixed UI bugs on Product form.

UI Bug - Fixed list view shortcuts not working.

UI Bug - Fixed UI bugs on Client and SalesMaster forms.

UI Bug - Fixed UI bugs on Sales Order form.

UI Bug - Fixed UI bugs on Jobs form.

UI Bug - Fixed UI bugs on Purchase Order form.

v2013.1.0.1 - 08/12/2013

AP Voucher - Bug Fix: Entry filters were visible in some fields.

v2013.1.0.0 - 08/08/2013

This is a MAJOR release...entirely new user interface (UI)!  All screens have been given a facelift and are presented with a new, more modern, design.

AP Voucher - Change: Add a System Configuration option to govern which detail tab is active by default.

Client - Bug Fix: Fix issue with setting default ship to address on a client.

Client/Sales Master - Bug fix: Button to swap CC details not working.

Contact Mailing - New Feature: Contact Mailing is no longer a subtable.

Email - Bug fix: Suppress a warning about an email recipient.

Excel - New methods to read Excel files

Mobile - Bug Fix: New sales orders could display wrong totals.

Product Import - Change: Add 'kit' to the Product Type override column.

Purchase Analysis - Bug: Purchase Analysis 'Filter By' menu does not work.

Sales Order - New Feature: Allow multiple A/R and/or Client Deposit documents to be applied to a Sales Order.

Sales Order - New Feature: Quote status and quote expiration date.

UI - System Setup dialog redesigned.

UI - Bulk email dialog redesigned.

UI - Planner forms redesigned

UI - General Ledger report forms redesigned.

UI - Financial Reports forms redesigned.

UI - Tax Area forms redesigned.

UI - Profit Center forms redesigned.

UI - Imports and External Transactions forms redesigned.

UI - Fiscal Period Setup forms redesigned.

UI - Departments forms redesigned.

UI - Budget Data Exchange forms redesigned.

UI - Post Sessions forms redesigned.

UI - Post transactions forms redesigned.

UI - Chart of Accounts forms redesigned

UI - Report forms redesigned.

UI - Bug fix: Fix window zooming.

UI - History forms redesigned.

UI - Detail form templates redesigned.

UI - Navigation menu moved to main menu bar (old navigation bar deprecated).

UI - Ship/Bill To forms redesigned.

UI - List view redesigned

UI - Receipt forms redesigned.

UI - Adjustments forms redesigned.

UI - Vendor forms redesigned.

UI - Voucher forms redesigned.

UI - New list and combo boxes.

UI - Purchase order form redesigned.

UI - System Configuration forms redesigned.

UI - Sales Order for redesigned.

UI - Job forms redesigned.

UI - Contact forms redesigned.

UI - Correspondence forms redesigned.

UI - Sales Master forms redesigned.

UI - Product forms redesigned.

Vendor Voucher Detail - New feature: Vendor Voucher Detail is no longer a subtable.

v2013.0.0.5 - 07/01/2013

OK & Print - Change: Reports are now listed in alphabetical order.

OS - New: Windows 8 compatibility.

Purchase Order - Bug Fix: Both PO Tax/Surcharge fields were enabled when only #1 is enabled.

Receipt - Bug Fix: Invoice number should not be enterable on an order-linked receipt.

Receipt - New Feature: Allow order-linked receipts to post independently of their orders.

Reporter - Bug Fix: Printing a Quick Report on the User list view would lose the selection of users before printing.

Sales Order - New Feature: FOB field on Sales Order now has a user-modifiable choice list.

Sales Order - Change: Make Taxable field available on Sales Order line item detail.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, changing the warehouse on a Sales Order line item could result in the wrong warehouse name being displayed.

System Configuration - Change: In system configuration, changed default setting of Client: Default Prompt to 'No'

v2013.0.0.4 - 05/29/2013

CC Auth - Bug Fix: Credit Card authorization screen was allowing user to attempt pre-auth captures for more than the pre-auth amount.

Checks - Change: Auto-generated check numbers based on Payment Types now use Payment Type ID to keep sequence numbers generated from different Payment Types separate.

Choice Lists - Change: Add automatic saving and loading of choice lists between versions.

Client - Bug Fix: Update Client record sales totals when posting invoices and when changing fiscal years.

Client - New Feature: Track 'Last Correspondence Date' on Client record.

General - Add Sys Config option to turn quit confirmation dialog on/off.

Inventory - Bug: Inven transactions not getting default location assigned in some cases.

Purchase Orders - New Feature: Track rejects for PO IDs.

Sales Order - Bug: Voiding a Sales Order is not voiding linked Receipts.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Action Menu items that change Sales Order status were not assigning Invoice Number when appropriate.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, a Sales Order could allow a unit to be added to Ship Qty when it should not.

Work Order - Change: Work Order Multi-Whse: Changed 'Production' warehouse label to 'Work In Process'.

Work Orders - Bug Fix: For multi-whse Work Orders, if Finished Good auto-xfers fail, try again next time the WO is saved.

Work Orders - New Feature: Track rejects for WO IDs.

v2013.0.0.3 - 05/08/2013

Disbursement - Change: Allow aging columns on the Disbursement list view.

Purchase Orders - New Feature: Auto-fill Sales Orders after PO receive.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Order would think it had been modified when it hadn't, causing the 'cancel confirm' dialog to appear when it shouldn't.

Ship To - Bug Fix: Couldn't save new ShipToAddress records if set as default.

Work Order - Change: Work Order will retain exact figure entered in Total Qty on a line item.

v2013.0.0.2 - 04/25/2013

Client - New Feature: Terms Description field on Client and Sales Master detail forms.

Inventory - New Feature: Pick and Pack line items for Sales Orders via a specialized Sales Order fulfillment window.

Inventory Lot - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, an Inventory Lot could be saved without a location.

Mobile - New Feature: Mobile Sales Order support.

Mobile Server - Change: Display IP address for Mobile Server.

Planner - Bug Fix: Add choice list 'Planner_Task_UserTaskType' to export/import.

Planner - Bug Fix: Make choice list 'Planner_Task_UserTaskType' user editable.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Shipping address was not being reset properly when changing the client on a Sales Order.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, a Sales Order could allow a unit to be added to Ship Qty when it should not.

Sales Order - Change: Add Pre-auth amount column to Sales Order payments list.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Fix payment sort order on Sales Order payments list.

Sales Orders - Bug Fix: Fixed UI issues when using Template products on Sales Orders.

Shipments - New Feature: Add package dimension fields to Shipments table.

System Configuration - Bug Fix: First tab was getting grayed out when switching tabs.

User - New Feature: Email password can now be saved on the User record.

Vendor - New Feature: Terms Description field on Vendor detail form.

Work Order - Rule: Do not allow Parent WO to save as In Process unless all sub-WO are at least In Process.

Work Order - Change: For multi-warehouse Work Orders, add the Work Order ID to the auto-Warehouse Transfer memo.

v2013.0.0.1 - 02/21/2013

AP Voucher - Bug Fix: Tab order on the AP Voucher detail form was being disrupted.

AP Voucher - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, the Other Costs amount on the Inventory tab could display an incorrect figure.

Client, Contact - Bug Fix: The first tab on the Client and Contact detail forms was being grayed out inappropriately.

Contact - Bug Fix: New Contact was picking up a random Client address.

Credit Memos - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, the system could disallow inventory returns over a miscalculated cost discrepancy.

General - The URLs used by the help button have been updated to the new documentation site.

List View - Bug Fix: List View Print/Export not working if rightmost column was from a related table.

List View - New Feature: There are new settings for Font Type and Font Size on each List View window.

Planner - Bug Fix: The field [PlannerTask]UserTaskType was not copying over when a followup task was created.

Product - The name of the Recipe 'General Ledger' tab was changed to the more accurate 'Non-Inventory'.

Sales Order - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, a new Order could show a balance due where there should be none.

User - New Feature: There's a new check box on the User detail view to include/exclude the user from the 4D Write license group.

Work Order - Change: Sub-Work Orders are now managed manually via a new check box column in the Work Order component list.

Work Order - New Feature: Work Orders now support separate warehouses for each of components, production and finished goods.

Work Order - The name of the 'General Ledger' tab was changed to the more accurate 'Non-Inventory'.

v2013.0.0.0 - 01/31/2013

'View Within' Function - Bug Fix: Under certain circumstances, user could see an error message related to record management.

AP Voucher - Bug Fix: Tab order of detail view fields was incorrect.

AP Voucher - Bug Fix: PO number entry was not working on AP Voucher detail view.

AV Mobile - The AV Mobile Server is now available.

Shipping - Bug Fix: 'Use StarShip Freight Charges' setting was ignored when hand entering shipments on an Order.

User - Bug Fix: On the User detail view, the 'User Name' field label was enterable.

User - Bug Fix: Attempt to fix user locking bug seen at some sites.