Establish Price Breaks for Products

After price break categories have been established and assigned to client/ship to records, the next step is to define price breaks for each product. We will refer to these as Price Break Definitions.

Price break terminology

Price Break Definition

Please see the following terminology to understand each field.

  • From Date: The first date on which the price break is active.
  • To Date: The last date on which the price break is active.
  • From Quantity: The minimum order quantity necessary to qualify for the price break.
  • To Quantity: The maximum order quantity necessary to qualify for the price break.
  • Max Quantity: This is used when you have a price break defined by a date range. This is the maximum quantity that qualifies for the price break within the defined date range.
  • UM: Use this field to indicate which Unit of Measure is assigned for the price break.
  • Price Break Type: This is the price break category (i.e. price break type or price break name). Click this menu and select a price break from the list.
  • Sell Price: Use this field to set a fixed unit price for the price break.
    • Leave this field blank if a Discount % or a Markup % will be used.
  • Discount %: Use this field to set a Discount % off of the default Sell Price or List Price (depending on your System Configuration setting.)
    • Leave this field blank if a fixed Sell Price or Markup % will be used.
  • Markup %: Use this field to set a Markup %, relative to the Default PO Cost or UM Cost (depending on your System Configuration setting.)
    • Leave this field blank if a fixed Sell Price or Discount % will be used.

Date-based price breaks:

  • See System Configuration to determine the date that will be used to calculate date range price breaks.
  • If an order or quote is placed for a date between the From Date and To Date, it will qualify for the price break.
  • These dates are entered in MM/DD/YY format.
  • You can define multiple date range price breaks for each price break category although you will need to verify that the date ranges do not overlap.
  • You are not required to use the date fields. If the price break is not date-sensitive, enter 00/00/00 for each of the date fields.
  • If the date is changed on an order or quote, there is a System Configuration setting that controls whether price breaks are recalculated automatically

Quantity-based price breaks:

  • If an order is placed for a quantity between the From Quantity and To Quantity, it will qualify for the price break.
  • Quantity-sensitive price breaks are evaluated based on UM (unit of measure).
  • You can define multiple quantity-level price breaks for each price break category although you will need to verify that the quantities do not overlap.
  • You are not required to use quantity-based price breaks. If the price break is not quantity-sensitive, enter 0 for each of these.

Define price breaks on a single Product record

  1. Navigate to Warehouse Management -> Products.
  2. Open a product record and click on the Price Breaks tab.
  3. Use the ➕ symbol to add a price break definition.
  4. Enter the price break data (see the price break terminology section above).
  5. Click Save on the price break.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each price break for each product.
  7. Click OK on the product to save.

Use the 🗑️ icon to remove existing price break definitions.

Click and drag price break definitions to change the order.

Product - Price Break tab

Define price breaks for multiple products using Global Replace

  1. Navigate to Warehouse Management -> Products.
  2. Find and highlight multiple products in the list view.
  3. Go to the List menu (top of the screen) -> Global Replace and select the Price Breaks & Components tab.
  4. Check the ADD box and then enter the price break data (see the price break terminology section above).
  5. Click OK to save and the price break definition will be applied to all selected products.

To remove a price break that was previously established for the selected products:

  1. Check the DELETE box.
  2. Enter the price break data to be removed (see the price break terminology section above).
  3. Click OK to save and the price break definition will be DELETED from all selected products.
Product - Global Replace

Define price breaks for a specific Product Class

  1. Navigate to Warehouse Management -> Product Classes.
  2. Open a product class and click on the Price Break Defaults tab.
  3. Use the ➕ symbol to add a price break definition.
  4. Enter the price break data (see the price break terminology section above).
  5. Click Save on the price break.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each price break, for each product class.
  7. Click OK on the product class to save.
  8. When new products are created and assigned the product class, they will inherit these default price breaks.

Only newly created Products will be assigned default price breaks via the product class.

Changing the default price breaks on the product class will not affect any existing products.

Product Class - Price Break Defaults tab

Define price breaks for products assigned to a specific Vendor

  1. Navigate to Purchasing -> Vendors.
  2. Open a Vendor and click on the Price Break tab.
  3. Use the ➕ symbol to add a price break definition.
  4. Enter the price break data (see the price break terminology section above).
  5. Click Save on the price break.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each price break, for each vendor.
  7. Click OK on the Vendor to save.
  8. When new products are created and assigned the Primary Vendor, they will inherit these default price breaks.

Only newly created Products will be assigned default price breaks via the vendor.

Changing the default price breaks on the vendor will not affect any existing products.

Vendor - Price Breaks