Sales Order - Action Menu

Below you'll find a summary of each item listed in the Action Menu of the Sales Orders & Quotes screen. Click the arrow to the left of a heading to expand the section.

Convert Quote to Order

1. Highlight existing Quote(s)

In the Sales Orders & Quotes list view, select the Quotes to be converted to Orders.

Sales Order list view - Quotes

2. Use the Action Menu item: Convert Quote to Order

Open the Action Menu and select Convert Quote to Order.

Action Menu - Convert Quote to Order

3. Confirm the change

Confirmation dialog

4. Quotes have now been converted to Orders

Now the selected Quotes have been converted to Orders.

The Order Number has been assigned and the type is changed to Order.

Quotes have been converted to Orders
Mark as Committed | Picked | Packed | Shipped, RTP

All of these Action Menu items are grouped together under one heading since they essentially have the same function -- to change the Order Status.

To use this function, select the Order(s) that you want to change the status for and then select the appropriate option from the Action Menu.

  • All normal rules regarding the changing of Order Status apply here (i.e. inventory availability, credit hold, payments applied, etc.)
  • Order Status can not be set backward using this function; it can only be used to increment the status forward per the following sequence:

Open ➤ Committed ➤ Picked ➤ Packed ➤ Shipped

Batch Shipping

Batch shipping allows you to process multiple Easypost shipments together when there are multiple orders containing a common inventory item.

See these links for more details about Batch Shipment Setup and Batch Shipment Processing.

Process credit cards

This function allows you to process multiple credit card transactions together as a batch. See the article on Credit Card Receipt Processing for details.

Credit card receipts can be processed either individually or as a batch. The above article contains instructions for both.

Create a Credit Memo

There are several articles that illustrate how to create a credit memo. See these articles for more specific details:

Process a Sales Return (i.e. Credit Memo)

Shopify  - Credit Memos

Mark Commissions

This function will allow the user to set, or clear, a commission paid date for reporting purposes.

Reassign Acct Mgr

If a posted Invoice has been assigned an incorrect Account Manager, this function will allow you to correct it.

See the instructions to Reassign the Account Manager

This function is only relevant for posted orders. If the Sales Order has not been posted, you can simply open the Sales Order to change the Account Manager.

Create Purchase Order(s)

If you have a sales order that requires additional inventory from your vendor, you can create a PO and link it to the sales order via the Action Menu.

See the instructions to Create a Purchase Order from a Sales Order

Duplicate Order(s)

In order to save time on data entry, you can leverage this function, which will copy any existing Sales Order.

See the instructions for Duplicate, Recurring and Template Orders

Create Work Order(s)

In some situations you may wish to wait until receiving an order before beginning production for an Assembly item. In these cases, the system allows you to create Work Order that is tied to a specific Sales Order.

See the instructions for Work Orders associated with a Sales Order

Email Sales Document

Sales document forms (e.g. invoices, sales confirmations, packing slips, etc.) can be sent via email from within the Sales module.

See the instructions for Emailing Sales Documents.

Mark/Unmark as Template

Templates can be helpful to mark common orders that can be quickly recalled and duplicated to create a new order.

See the instructions for Duplicate, Recurring and Template Orders

Import Orders

This function allows the user to import Sales Orders from a file that conforms to the AcctVantage ERP XML schema.

Post selected records

Posting in AcctVantage refers to the act of committing the transaction to the General Ledger. When a transaction is posted, the system records G/L activity such that it can not be voided or deleted, which preserves an audit trail.

Using this function here in the Sales Order Action Menu will allow you to post any order that is RTP (ready to post) without needing to leave the Sales module.