Shipping methods

Shipping services are established via Freight-type Products in AcctVantage. This allows you to use the shipping method as the Ship Via on Sales Orders, Purchase Orders and Warehouse Transfers.

Create a shipping method

To create a new shipping method, navigate to Warehouse Management ➤ Products, create a new product and select Freight as the Product Type.

Other considerations:

➡️ Part Number: Consideration should be made for any external shipping systems that you may be integrating with. Matching your freight part numbers to the shipping software can help streamline the shipping process.

In the example below, "UPS - Ground" is used as the part number to ensure compatibility with Easypost (which uses the syntax "carrier name - shipping service".)

  • When clicking Get Rates in the shipping screen, if the freight part number matches one of the retrieved rates, that service will automatically be highlighted.
  • When clicking Get Rates & Ship Package in the shipping screen, if the freight part number matches one of the retrieved rates, that service will automatically be purchased (and the label, printed.)
  • If the freight part number does not match, then you still have the option to select the carrier & service and manually print the label.

➡️ Product Class: A unique Product Class should be assigned for freight since the income and expense G/L accounts for freight are different from the G/L accounts used for inventory items or non-inventory services. See the article about Product Classes for more info.

➡️ For further instructions on creating Product records, see the instructions to add a new Product.

Product info