Deferred Revenue Setup
To begin using Deferred Revenue, there are a few setup items that need to be completed:
1. Verify the Deferred Revenue G/L account
A Deferred Revenue G/L account must exist in the liability range. This account must have the Setup Type of L - Deferred Revenue.
This is a required account for AcctVantage, so even if you have not used Deferred Revenue previously, you should already have this account in your chart of accounts.
To verify, go to General Ledger -> Chart of Accounts and use the Filter By to select Special Accounts.

2. Enable the system to allow Deferred Revenue sales
- Navigate to Administration -> System Setup and select Sales & Purchasing from the drop-down menu.
- Check the Allow Def. Rev. Sales setting to enable it.
- Click OK to save System Setup.

3. Enable the Invoice Qty column for Sales Order entry
- Navigate to Administration -> System Configuration and select the Line Items tab.
- Click the Edit Detail Column Configuration button under Sales Document Detail/Line Items.
- Scroll down until you find the Invoice Qty column.
- Highlight the Invoice Qty line and double-click the cursor in the Enterable column. This will enable the column to be both Visible and Enterable.
- Click OK to save these settings and then click OK again to save System Configuration.
The system is now ready to process Deferred Revenue Sales Orders.