View & Modify the Gross Profit Margin on an Order

You can view (and modify) the Gross Profit Margin on a Sales Order either on an Order-wide basis or on a per line item basis.

First, there are a few System Configuration settings that you'll need to change...

1. Determine the Cost Basis for Margin Calculation.

Margin is a function of the Product's Cost and Sell price. AcctVantage gives you the option of determining which Cost to use when calculating the Margin. You can use one of the following:

  • Default PO Cost (this comes from the Product record)
  • Current Average Cost (this is calculated based on Current Lot Values and Current Quantities)

This is a system wide setting:

  1. Navigate to Administration ➤ System Configuration.
  2. Select Invoice Detail from the drop-down list in the upper left corner.
  3. Find the item named Margin Calc Cost Source and double-click the Value column to select the setting to use.
Determine the Cost Basis for Margin Calculation.

2. Enable Global System Configuration Settings.

  1. Navigate to Administration ➤ System Configuration and select Sales Document from the drop-down list.
  2. Find the settings for Order Margin Mod and Order Margin View and double-click each line in the Value column to set these to True.

Note: This setting will change these settings on a Global level. You still need to enable the settings on the User level for each User who wants to view or modify the Margin (see next screenshot).

Enable Global System Configuration Settings.

3. Enable User Access Level Settings.

  1. Navigate to Administration ➤ User Access Levels and open the record for each User or Group that you want to view or modify the Margin.
  2. Select the System Access tab and find the Order Margin Mod and Order Margin View settings under Other Settings.
  3. Double-click each line in the Value column to set these to True.

You can now view or modify the Gross Profit Margin on an Order-wide basis!

Enable User Access Level Settings.

4. View & Modify the Order-wide Margin.

  • Here you can view or modify the Order-wide Margin.
  • Click the Set button to modify the Margin (see next screenshot.)


  • You can also view the Margin for each line item. (Continue reading for instructions.)
  • You can not modify the Margin for Products that are Kits.
View & Modify the Order-wide Margin.

4.1. Enter the new Order Margin.

Enter the new Order Margin (as a percent) here.

Enter the new Order Margin.

4.2. Confirm the new Order Margin.

Confirm the change to the Order Margin by clicking Yes.

Note: The change will not affect Products with a locked price or Kits/Assemblies.

Confirm the new Order Margin.

4.3. The Order Margin has now been updated.

See that the Order Margin has now changed.

Note: You can also change the Margin on a line-item basis. (Continue reading for instructions.)

The Order Margin has now been updated.

5. Line Item Margin settings

  • Navigate to Administration ➤ System Configuration
  • Select the Line Items tab and click on Edit Detail Column Configuration for Sales Document Detail/Line Items
Line Item Margin settings

5.1. Enable the Margin columns in the Invoice Detail view.

Find the setting for Margin and double-click to make this column both Visible and Enterable. Click OK to accept and OK again to save.

Enable the Margin columns in the Invoice Detail view.

6. View or Modify the Line-Item Margins.

View or Modify the Line-Item Margins.

6.1. Modify the Line-Item Margins

To Modify the line-item Margin, just click into the field, type the Margin % and hit the tab key. The Order-wide Margin will also change based on the line-item changes you make.

Modify the Line-Item Margins

6.2. Save the Order with the new Margins.

Take note of the changes that were made and click OK to save the Order.

Note: Making changes to Margins on an Order only affects the current order. It DOES NOT affect the default Sell Price listed on the Product's master record.

Save the Order with the new Margins.