Establish Price Break Categories

Price Break Categories are used to group similar types of price breaks together. These categories will later be assigned to Clients and Ship To addresses and used to establish price break definitions so the correct pricing will populate during order entry.

How to establish price break categories

The list of Price Break Categories can be accessed in a few different locations in the system. All of these places contain the same Price Breaks -- if you need to add or remove price breaks, you only need to do it in one of these lists.

  1. System Configuration
  2. Product
  3. Sales Document

Use Client Names as price break categories

The system allows you to use Client Names as price break categories. See this System Configuration setting for instructions on how to enable this function.

When using Client Names as price break categories, the Client Name needs to be added to the price break category list (i.e. the topic of this article) and assigned to the price break definition only. It does not need also to be assigned to the Client.

System Configuration

System Configuration is the primary location where you will be establishing price break categories.

You can also do this via the Product or Sales Order window, however there are extra steps involved in those places.

  1. Navigate to Administration -> System Configuration.
  2. Click on the Custom Lists tab.
  3. Click the Edit button under the Price Break list.
  4. Use the ➕ symbol and 🗑️ icon to add or remove price break categories as needed.
  5. Click OK to save.
System Configuration - Price Break menu


  1. Navigate to Warehouse Management -> Products.
  2. Click on the Price Breaks tab.
  3. Click the ➕ symbol to add a new price break.
  4. Open the Price Break Type menu and click Edit.
  5. Use the ➕ symbol and 🗑️ icon to add or remove price break categories as needed.
  6. Click OK to save
Product - Price Breaks

Sales Document

  1. Navigate to Sales -> Sales Orders & Quotes.
  2. Open an existing sales order.
  3. Open the Price Break Type menu and click Edit.
  4. Use the ➕ symbol and 🗑️ icon to add or remove price break categories as needed.
  5. Click OK to save
Sales Document  - Price Breaks