Shopify - Clients & Contacts

This feature requires additional licensing. Please contact AcctVantage Sales for a quote.

Clients in AcctVantage are synced with Shopify when Orders are imported. AcctVantage will attempt to match the incoming Shopify Customer to an existing Client/Sales Master record. If the Client does not already exist in AcctVantage, it will be created using the info in the field map below.

How AcctVantage attempts to match existing Clients with imported Shopify Customers

When a new Shopify Order is being imported, the system uses an Import ID to attempt to match the Shopify Customer with an existing Client record in AcctVantage. The Import ID always begins with the Import Source Code (from System Setup.) AcctVantage will attempt to find a match for the Import ID in the following sequence:

  1. Import Source Code + Shopify Customer ID
  2. Import Source Code + Email Address
  3. Import Source Code + Phone Number
  4. Import Source Code + Bill to Address line 1 + Bill to Last Name

➡️ If an Import ID match is found, the Shopify Order will be imported and linked to the matching Client in AcctVantage.

➡️ If an Import ID match is not found, a new Client record will be created in AcctVantage. The Shopify Order will be imported and linked to the new Client who will be assigned an Import ID (Import Source Code + Shopify Customer ID.) Next time a Shopify Order is imported for the customer, the system will find a match!

The potential for duplicate Client records does exist. This would occur primarily when the Client in AcctVantage already exists but does not have the same info (e.g. email address, phone number, etc.) as the Customer in Shopify. If this happens, the Client Merge function can be used to combine the duplicate Clients

Client (Sales Master) field map

Any Client record in AcctVantage can be synced with Shopify to create customer info on your web store. The fields that are synced with Shopify are included in the table below ⬇️⬇️⬇️.

*Additional fields from AcctVantage can be either added or removed from the upload to Shopify via custom script project.

AcctVantage Field Shopify Field
1 Client Name company (if not blank) or last_name (if no company)
2 First Name first_name
3 Email email
4 Telephone phone
5 Address Line 1 address1
6 Address Line 2 address2
7 City city
8 State province_code
9 Zip postal_code
10 Country country_code

Client Contacts

➡️ If the Shopify Company is not blank on the incoming Shopify Order, a Client Contact will be created (and linked to the Client record.) The Client will be assigned the Shopify Company. The Contact will be assigned the Shopify First Name & Last Name.

➡️ If the Shopify Company is blank on the incoming Order, a Client Contact will not be created. The Client will be assigned the Shopify First Name & Last Name.

AcctVantage Field Shopify Field
1 Company Name company
2 First Name first_name
3 Last Name last_name
4 Default Email Address email