FedEx Integrator / Ship Manager

This feature is no longer actively developed and will be deprecated in AcctVantage ERP 2025.

This article provides information on connecting AcctVantage to FedEx without a 3rd party application.

FedEx Integrator

To integrate FedEx with AcctVantage directly, you'll need the assistance of your local FedEx Customer Integration Consultant (CIC).  Contact your FedEx Salesperson(Account Executive) and stress that you need contact with the CIC to setup FXI and that there is a pre-configured project in their database. The CIC will implement the FedEx Integrator (FXI) at your site and configure it to work with AcctVantage.  Your FedEx CIC has access to a library of integrations, including one for AcctVantage.  Our integration is referenced in their database under the first client to have done the implementation, HIS Glassworks in Asheville, NC.

Follow these steps:

  1. Contact your FedEx Salesperson or call 800-Go-FedEx.
  2. Tell the CIC that you want to "Implement an FedEx Integrator (FXI) setup that was used at HIS Glassworks in Asheville, NC."  According to my contacts with FedEx, it is critical that you stress with the CIC that you want an FXI setup and that there is a pre-configured project in their database.  Otherwise, the CIC may attempt to create the integration anew.
  3. Give the local CIC this contact name:  Bill Wallace, FedEx Customer Technical Advisor. Bill is the FedEx consultant that originally setup the integration and has been kind enough to offer his assistance to CIC's tasked with implementations.