Payroll tab
Employee Liability Accounts: Taxes & Other Deductions
- Payroll Check Memo: This message will appear on every employee’s paycheck. It can be up to 40 characters.
- Federal Tax: The GL Account that tracks Federal Income Tax deducted from employee pay.
- State Tax: The GL Account that tracks State Income Tax deducted from employee pay.
- Local Tax: The GL Account that tracks Local Income Tax deducted from employee pay.
- FICA Tax: The GL Account that tracks Social Security fees deducted from employee pay.
- Medicare: The GL Account that tracks Medicare fees deducted from employee pay.
- Misc. Deductions: The GL Account that tracks miscellaneous deductions from employee pay, such as union dues, parking fees, 401K, health insurance, etc. The x1-x3 fields below are also available for this purpose.
- x1, x2, x3 Deductions: Use these fields to track additional miscellaneous deductions (see above).
Employer Liability Accounts: Taxes & Other Withholdings
- Checking Account: The GL Account that tracks the checking account used to make tax payments to the government.
- FUTA Tax: The GL Account that tracks FUTA tax owed to the government.
- SUTA Tax: The GL Account that tracks SUTA tax owed to the government.
- Local Tax: The GL Account that tracks Local Income tax owed to the government.
- FICA Tax: The GL Account that tracks Social Security payments owed to the government.
- Medicare: The GL Account that tracks Medicare payments owed to the government.
- Misc. Deductions: The GL Account that tracks miscellaneous deduction liabilities. The x1 - x3 fields below can also be used for this purpose.
- x1, x2, x3 Deductions: Use these fields to track additional miscellaneous deductions (see above).
Employer Expense Accounts: Taxes & Other Contributions
- FUTA Tax: The GL Account that tracks FUTA tax paid to the government.
- SUTA Tax: The GL Account that tracks SUTA tax paid to the government.
- Local Tax: The GL Account that tracks local income tax paid to the government.
- FICA Tax: The GL Account that tracks Social Security payments made to the government.
- Medicare: The GL Account that tracks Medicare payments made to the government.
- Misc. Deductions: The GL Account that tracks payment of miscellaneous deductions made to outside entities such as unions. The x1 - x3 fields below can also be used for this purpose.
- x1, x2, X3 Deductions: Use these fields to track additional miscellaneous deductions (see above).
Employer Expense Accounts: Income Sources
- General Pay: The GL Account that tracks general employee payments.
- General Overtime: The GL Account that tracks overtime paid to employees.
- General Commission: The GL Account that tracks commission paid to employees.
- General Bonus:The GL Account that tracks bonuses paid to employees.
- Misc Income: The GL Account that tracks miscellaneous payments to employees. The x1 - x3 fields below can also be used for this purpose.
- Income x1, x2, x3: Use these fields to track additional miscellaneous payments (see above).