Color Editor

AcctVantage supports Custom Colors in some areas. To assist with organization and visibility, custom colors can be established for various Sales Order Order Statuses and Attributes.  Also, row lines, column lines and background colors of every line item area can be controlled globally.

The colors can be established company-wide (so all users see the same colors) or on a user-by-user basis (if each user prefers to establish their own color scheme.)

System Configuration

Navigate to Administration -> System Configuration and select Custom Colors from the drop-down menu. Double-click this setting to set its value to True. This is necessary in order to enable this feature to be used anywhere (whether globally or per-user).

System Configuration - Custom Colors

Color Editor

To establish company-wide color settings, navigate to Administration -> Color Editor.

To establish color settings on a per-user basis, each user can navigate to Tools (in the menu bar) -> Color Editor.

Default list view settings

On the Global tab, there are some settings related to the general appearance of AcctVantage. The usage of the word "Global" in this context means it affects all list view screens.

Listview Area Colors

  • Row Line: The horizontal lines that separate each row.
  • Column Line: The vertical lines that separate each column.
  • Background: The background of the rows and columns.
  • Listview_AltRowColorEnable: Enables each row to be alternating colors.


The various Font attributes apply only to the text in the line item area: Font Name, Font Size, Font Color, Bold, Italic. Users can also control the Font Name and Font Size directly in the list view.

Click the button Reset ALL Color Settings to AcctVantage Default if you want to start over.

Administration - Color Editor 1

Default Sales Order list view colors

  • Order Status Colors: These match the standard order statuses - Quote, Open, Committed, Picked, Packed, Shipped/Invoiced, Posted and Voided.
  • Order Attribute Colors: These are more descriptive attributes than the order statuses.

If there is an order that qualifies in each section, the Order Attribute Colors will override the Order Status Colors.

Administration - Color Editor 2

Sales Order example

Based on the above settings, you can see Open orders are green, Quotes are blue and orders where the current user is the Account Manager is tan (sorry! that color did not appear well in text here so I didn't give an example).

Sales Order example