Planner Task Entry

Planner Tasks can be entered via the AV Mobile interface and then viewed in the desktop AV Client.

Planner Task entry via AV Mobile

Using the menu bar, navigate to Sales -> Planner to create a new entry. Enter the details of the task.

  • Subject: The topic or short description of the task.
  • Detail: A longer detailed description of the task.
  • Assigned To: The user who the task is being assigned to.
  • Date & Time Due: The date and time when the task is due.
  • Priority: The priority level of the task.
  • Task Type: A user-definable list to describe or categorize different types of tasks.
Planner Task - AV Mobile

Planner Task viewed via the desktop AV Client

The task entered via AV Mobile will be immediately available via the desktop AV Client.

Planner Task detail