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  • Updated on: Jul 26, 2024

    Inventory Shortages Export

  • Updated on: Jul 19, 2024

    Assemblies vs. Kits vs. Templates

    <p>This article will discuss the various <strong>Product Types</strong> in AcctVantage.</p> <p><strong>Assembly</strong> and <strong>Kit</strong> are both designations for a Product in AcctVantage. Each is comprised of a Bill of Materials (i.e. a Recipe of component items). The Product record must be set to the type <strong>Kit</strong> or <strong>Assembly</strong> to create such a Recipe.</p>
  • Updated on: Jul 19, 2024

    Bill of Materials Setup

    <p>In AcctVantage ERP the Bill of Materials (BOM) for a Product is sometimes referred to as a <em><strong>Recipe</strong></em>. </p> <ul><li>The BOM Recipe can be defined for <strong>Assembly</strong>, <strong>Kit</strong> and <strong>Template</strong> Product types.</li> <ul><li>Once a Product is saved as one of the above types it can not be changed.</li> </ul> <li>The BOM Recipe itself, however, is always modifiable. It changed be changed either on a global level through the Product record or on a one-off basis on a Sales Order or Work Order.</li> </ul>
  • Updated on: Jul 19, 2024

    Work Order Assembly Process feature

    <p><strong>Introduced in:</strong> AV 2015.1.1.5</p> <p>The goal of this feature is to help you organize the steps (i.e. the process) that you use as components are assembled into a finished good Assembly. This &quot;Process&quot; is carried alongside the Bill of Materials. This is optional to use; you aren't required to use the Process feature in order to use Work Orders.</p> <p>To summarize, you will define the Process in the same place you define the Bill of Materials (on the Product record). When the Work Order is created, the Process is transmitted to the Work Order in the same way as the Bill of Materials. Once the Work Order is created there are additional things you can do with the Process. Steps within the Process can be assigned to [or completed by] another user, the date/time started and completed can be tracked. There are short and long descriptions available for use, as well as a whole host of custom fields, dates and check boxes.</p>
  • Updated on: Jul 18, 2024

    AcctVantage ERP Glossary

  • Updated on: Jul 18, 2024

    Sub Work Orders

    <p>If you have an Assembly Product that has another Assembly as a Recipe Component you can enable the creation of a Sub Work Order for the Sub Assembly Product.</p>
  • <p><a href="58464?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="6D9F115B-1936-4E47-8D78-BA58C4DD653F" data-object-manual-uuid="" data-resolve-url="true">Work Orders</a> are used to manage the production of Assembly type items in AcctVantage. If you enter a Sale for a finished good that you do not have in stock, this lesson will show you how to get a Work Order in the queue to build it!</p> <p>There are a couple of conditions that must be met for this feature to work:</p> <ol><li>The Include in Auto Work Order box must be checked on the Product record.</li> <li>There must be a Sales Order with a Backordered quantity.</li> <li>The Sales Order must be in Committed status.</li> </ol>
  • Updated on: Jul 18, 2024

    Auto-build an Assembly

    <p><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0)">You can enable AcctVantage to Auto-Build an Assembly item. When the item is added to a Sales Order (and there is insufficient stock to fill the sale) AcctVantage will create </span><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0)"><a href="../../9728/l/58420?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9728" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="B73A4036-4503-43F8-8611-EAC415084267" data-object-manual-uuid="24E511C0-6A35-0130-6738-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="">Inventory Maintenance</a></span><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0)"> records to produce the Assembly item (just like a Work Order normally does). The recipe components will be removed from stock, the Assembly will be added to stock and immediately allocated to the Sales Order</span><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0)"><em>. </em></span><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0)">This all happens immediately during Sales Order entry. If there is insufficient quantity of the recipe components, the user will be given an alert.</span></p> <p><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0)">Note: This feature is not to be confused with the </span><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0)"><a href="../../9729/l/58462?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9729" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="015A5ABA-AFBA-488E-8529-86D626C20FB6" data-object-manual-uuid="2ED05010-6A35-0130-673A-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="">Auto Work Order</a></span><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0)"> feature.</span><span style="color: rgb(0,0,0)"> The Auto-build feature bypasses the Work Order and creates the Assembly on-the-fly (similar to a Kit...except there are no Inventory Maintenance records when a Kit is sold).</span></p>
  • Updated on: Jun 21, 2024

    Inventory Levels & Statistics Overview

    <p>Qty Reserve settings are activated or deactivated on the Inventory tab of the System Setup screen. Each setting is optional.</p> <p>Qty Reserve settings are used to allocate Inventory quantities to various pending transactions in AcctVantage’s Sales and Inventory modules. Effective use of these settings can be beneficial in managing sales fulfillment, back order management and general Inventory levels.</p> <p>On the Inventory tab of the Product record, you can see a detailed breakdown of the Inventory availability and values for the item.</p> <p>__________________________________________________________________________________</p> <ul><li><strong>GL Inventory Code:</strong> The asset account that holds the value of the Inventory posted to the GL.</li> <li><strong>Value Posted:</strong> The dollar value for the stock of this item as of the last posting.</li> <li><strong>Value Real-Time:</strong> Posted value less the costs associated with units consumed on ready to post transactions.</li> <li><strong>Real Time Average Cost:</strong> Value Real Time divided by the Qty Real-Time On Hand.</li> </ul> <p>__________________________________________________________________________________</p> <ul><li><strong>Qty Posted:</strong> The number of units in-stock as of the last posting session.</li> <li><strong>Qty In Non-Posted:</strong> Quantity that is actually received on PO’s, Credit Memos, and Warehouse Transfers that are <em>available but not yet posted</em> to the GL.</li> <li><strong>Qty Out Non-Posted:</strong> Quantity that will be consumed on transactions that are not yet posted. This quantity is most typically associated with Sales Orders that have been marked “Picked.&quot;</li> <li><strong>Qty Real-Time On Hand:</strong> This quantity is the expected number of units on the shelf at any given time. It is calculated at <strong>Qty Posted</strong> <em>plus</em> <strong>Qty In Non-Posted</strong> <em>minus</em> <strong>Qty Out Non-Posted.</strong></li> </ul> <p>__________________________________________________________________________________</p> <ul><li><strong>Qty Reserved Sales:</strong> This setting is used to allocate available Inventory to <strong>Pending Sales Orders.</strong> Any quantity in the <em>Ship</em> column of a saved Sales Order is reflected in this value. When the Order is marked Picked, the quantity is removed from here and becomes <strong>Qty Out Non-Posted.</strong></li> <li><strong>Qty Reserved BO:</strong> This setting is used to allocate available Inventory to <strong>Open Backorders.</strong> When active, new Inventory received into stock will be immediately reserved to fill any open Backorders. When a Backorder is filled, the quantity becomes <strong>Qty Reserved Sales.</strong></li> <li><strong>QTY Reserved Transfer:</strong> The setting is used to allocate available Inventory to <strong>Pending Warehouse Transfers.</strong> When the Warehouse Transfer is <em>shipped</em> the quantity is removed from this column and moves to <strong>Qty Out Non-Posted.</strong></li> <li><strong>Qty Reserved Locked: </strong>The setting is used to allocate units that have been Locked for quality control, in-transit, cycle counting, etc. via the <strong><a href="../../9728/l/444120?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9728" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="d378cde8-5c27-4228-b147-914b0cf4f4a8" data-object-manual-uuid="24E511C0-6A35-0130-6738-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">Lot Locking </a></strong>function. </li> <li><strong>Qty Reserved Data Entry:</strong> This setting is a catch-all for <strong>Pending Inventory transactions.</strong> For example, a Sales Order that is in the process of being entered, but not yet been saved, will <strong>reserve quantity for Data Entry.</strong> An Inventory Maintenance transaction that is in process but not saved will reserve for Data Entry. Once the transaction record is saved, quantities move out of Reserved Data Entry and into the appropriate category. This setting is key to AcctVantage’s Real-Time Inventory system, it ensures that one unit of Inventory is not allocated to more than one transaction.</li> </ul> <p>__________________________________________________________________________________</p> <ul><li><strong>Qty Available:</strong> <strong>Qty Real-Time On Hand</strong> <em>minus</em> <strong>the sum of the Qty Reserves.</strong> This is the quantity available for Sales, Warehouse Transfers, etc.</li> <li><strong>Qty On Purchase Order:</strong> Reference only, this is the un-received quantity currently on Open or partially received PO’s. This quantity does not affect available Inventory.</li> <li><strong>Qty In Transit:</strong> Reference Only, this is the incoming quantity of goods marked as shipped on a Warehouse Transfer and destined for this Warehouse. This quantity does not affect available Inventory.</li> </ul> <p>__________________________________________________________________________________</p> <p><strong>Notes about Inventory Statistics:</strong></p> <ul><li>The <strong>time period</strong> [for Inventory Statistic calculations] is set in System Configuration. The setting is <strong>Stats: Time Period</strong> (see screenshot below) -- this is the number of months you want to include in the calculations.</li> <li>There is also an option in System Configuration to exclude Warehouse Transfers from these calculations. The setting is <strong>Stats: Exclude Warehouse Transfers </strong>(see screenshot below). Make this setting <em>True</em> if you do not want Warehouse Transfers to be included in the calculations.</li> </ul> <p> _____________________________</p> <ul><li><strong>Turns:</strong> First, the total usage for the time period is calculated (i.e. total qualifying draws). Then, the average daily quantity on hand is calculated. Finally, turns are calculated as <strong>Total Usage</strong> <em>divided by</em> <strong>Average Qty On Hand</strong>.</li> <li><strong>Months On Hand:</strong> This calculation is <strong>Qty Real-Time On Hand</strong> <em>divided by</em> <strong>Average Monthly Usage</strong>. </li> <li><strong>Average Monthly Usage:</strong> For a given <strong>time period</strong>, this calculation is <strong>Total Usage</strong> <em>divided by</em> <strong>the number of months in the time period</strong>. <ul><li>Note: This calculation looks at full months only, so the number should be consistent from the 1st through end of month.</li> </ul> </li> </ul>
  • Updated on: Jun 19, 2024

    Standard Custom Forms

    <p>In this article you'll find a printed example for some of the common standard custom forms. Along with examples are links to download the installer for each custom form.</p> <p><span style="color: rgb(255,0,0)"><strong>Note before beginning:</strong></span> If there is an existing form in your system with the same title as the form you are loading, the system will overwrite the old form with the new one. The name of the AVF file you download IS NOT the same as the name of the form. To be certain that you don't delete a form accidentally, it's always a best practice to <strong><a href="../../9725/l/180442?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9725" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="36af05c6-436d-46a5-ab3f-b0eb91992831" data-object-manual-uuid="FE48D8E0-6A34-0130-6732-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">perform a database backup</a></strong> prior to installing any forms or reports.</p> <p>To install a custom form:</p> <ol><li>Download the installer to your desktop (all custom form installers end with the extension AVF).</li> <li>Go to Administration ➤ Custom Forms.</li> <li>Open the Action Menu and choose <strong>Import Custom Form</strong>.</li> <li>Point to the installer that you downloaded in Step #1 and the form will be loaded. </li> </ol>