Print a 1099 report (old)

This is a legacy article. These instructions do still work but this report will only include payments made via check. Please see the article for the new Vendor Payments Report, which includes payments made using Alternate Payment Types.

IRS Form 1099 is not printed from AcctVantage. We do, however, facilitate the need for 1099 information by way of our 1099 Report. Here's how to run this report:

1. Open the Check Register

Navigate to Accounts Payable ➤ Check Register.

Open the Check Register

2. Search for items within your date range.

  1. Select Check Date from the Quick Search drop-down menu and enter your Starting and Ending Dates.
  2. Click Find. You'll now have a list of ALL items within the selected date range. We will further refine this search in these next steps.
  3. Now, under the Result heading, select the Find Within button. (see next screenshot)
  4. Click the Power Search button. (see next screenshot)
Search for items within your date range.

This is a list of ALL items within the selected date range. Keep reading to further refine these search results.

2.1. Refine the search to only show 1099 items.

Within the Power Search window, find the [Check]IRS 1099 field, highlight it, click Yes and then click Find.

Refine the search to only show 1099 items.

3. Here's a list of 1099 checks.

Now, the list you see will be ONLY check records that have been marked as 1099 payments.

Click the Printer icon to proceed with printing the 1099 Report.

Here's a list of 1099 checks.

Detail view of a 1099 Check.

Detail view of a 1099 Check.
  1. Highlight the 1099 Report.
  2. Select Print.
Print the 1099 Report.

An sample of the 1099 Report.

This is a small sample of what the 1099 Report will look like. The report will include each check from the search that we just completed and will be sub-totaled by Party.

Note: It is possible to print this report without regard to whether or not the check was marked as a 1099 check. The accuracy of information contained on this report is dependent on the search outlined in this article being performed correctly.

An sample of the 1099 Report.