Create a Voucher upon Receiving a Purchase Order

Creating a Voucher immediately after receiving a PO can help streamline your workflow. This is optional, of course, since you might not have the vendor's invoice when receiving the PO.


  • A Purchase Order that has not yet been received.
  • User permission to access Purchase Order and Vouchers.

1. Receive PO Line Items

This part might already be familiar to you. If not, see the instructions for the PO Receiving process.

After you receive the PO line items, click the OK & Voucher button to go directly to the Voucher screen.

Important Notes:

  • The voucher will be created only for the PO Line items that were received but not yet vouchered.
  • If you expect multiple shipments but you want to enter only one Voucher for the entire PO, wait until all items have been received before creating the voucher.
  • Access to the OK & Voucher button is dependent upon access to the Voucher window.
    • If the user has permission to access the Voucher window, then the user will have permission to use the OK & Voucher button.
    • If the user does not have permission to access the Voucher window, then the OK & Voucher button will be greyed-out.
PO Receiving

2. The voucher has been auto-created

At this point, a new Voucher has been created. Aside from the notes below, all of the normal Voucher rules apply. After you click OK to save, you will be returned to the Purchasing module.

  • You still need to enter the Vendor Invoice Number and the Voucher Amount.
  • The Voucher Date and Post To Date will be the same as the Event Date from the PO.
  • The only PO Line items included on this Voucher are the items that have been received but not yet Vouchered.
    • These items will be Marked to Pay and the Adj Cost will be equal to the PO Cost. You can still change the Adj Cost if necessary.
AP Voucher