Warehouse Transfers

You can use the Warehouse Transfer function in two different ways:

  1. Inter-Warehouse Transfer: To transfer items from one Warehouse to another Warehouse.
  2. Intra-Warehouse Transfer: To transfer items from one Location within a Warehouse to another Location within the same Warehouse.

In this article we'll look at both scenarios.

Basic warehouse transfer entry

  1. To begin, navigate to Warehouse Management ➤ Warehouse Transfers and create a new transfer.
  2. Enter the header data:
  • From Warehouse: The warehouse where inventory will be drawn from.
  • To Warehouse: The warehouse where inventory will be added to.
  • Dates: Only the Actual dates are required. The Estimated dates are optional and will be used for reporting purposes only.
    • Picked: The date when the inventory was picked.
    • Shipped: The date when the inventory was shipped.
    • Received: The date when the inventory was received.
  • Freight Amount: The freight cost of the warehouse transfer. The cost will be distributed based on the line item weight (unit weight * quantity). This amount will be charged to the Warehouse Transfer Freight account found in Administration ➤ System Setup ➤ Inventory & Marketing.
  • Memo: Optional text field that can be used to describe the transfer.
Warehouse transfer detail - header
  1. Enter the line item data and then save the transfer:
  • Part Number: The part number that will be transferred.
  • Product Name: The name of the product that will be transferred.
  • UM: The unit of measure that will used.
  • Req Qty: This is the requested quantity. This does not affect the actual quantity transferred, however, you can use the Pick button to fill the Trsf Qty.
  • Trsf Qty: This is the quantity that will be transferred.
  • Freight: The freight cost for the line item. If you've used the Freight Amount field in the header, then the cost will be distributed to each line item based on weight.
  • From Location: The warehouse location where inventory will be drawn from.
  • To Location: The warehouse location where inventory will be added to.
  • Pick (button): If you enter only the Req Qty, this button can be used to fill the Trsf Qty (as long as the inventory is available) and set the Pick Date.
Warehouse transfer detail - line items

Transfer Inventory between two different Warehouses

When transferring inventory between two warehouses, you will need to enter a different warehouse for the From and To Warehouse.

Transfer Inventory between different Warehouses

Transfer Inventory between two different locations within the same Warehouse

When transferring inventory between two locations within the same warehouse, you will need to set the From and To Warehouse to the same warehouse. When entering the line items, you will need to enter a different location for the From and To Location.

CLICK HERE for details on setting up Locations within a Warehouse.

Transfer Inventory between Locations within the same Warehouse

Other considerations

Fulfillment Tab

The Fulfillment tab can be used to specify inventory Lots (or Serial Numbers, for serialized products). If this tab is not used to allocate specific inventory, the system will draw inventory on a FIFO basis (first in, first out).

Warehouse Transfer - Fulfillment

Bill of Lading Tab

The Bill of Lading tab can be used to prepare shipping documents for the transfer.

Warehouse Transfer - Bill of Lading

Warehouse Transfer Detail

In the Warehouse Transfer Detail list view you can see the detail of each line item that has been added to a transfer.

Warehouse Transfer Detail - list view