Warehouse Transfers - Manual

You can use the Warehouse Transfer function in two different ways:

  1. Inter-Warehouse Transfer: To transfer items from one Warehouse to another Warehouse.
  2. Intra-Warehouse Transfer: To transfer items from one Location within a Warehouse to another Location within the same Warehouse.

In this article we'll look at both scenarios:

1. Open the Warehouse Transfer window.

Navigate to Warehouse Management ➤ Warehouse Transfers (Inventory ➤ Warehouse Transfers in AV 2015 and earlier)

1.1. Transfer Inventory between different Warehouses

  1. Enter the From Warehouse and the To Warehouse. A key component of the Warehouse Transfer is to make sure you have the two Warehouses entered correctly.
  2. Enter the Dates:
    • The Estimated Dates are for planning purposes only.
    • Actual Dates
      • Picked Actual: Available Inventory in the From Warehouse will decrease as of this date. The reserved inventory will be accounted for in Qty Reserved Transfer.
      • Shipped Actual: Qty in Transit in the To Warehouse will increase as of this date. Inventory will not be Available in either Warehouse.
      • Received Actual: Available Inventory in the To Warehouse will increase as of this date.
  3. Enter the Line Items. In addition to the Part Number and Requested (Req), Transfer (Trsf) Quantity you can also elect to enter the Unit of Measure, Lot Number, Freight Amount and a From Location and To Location. These Locations will auto-populate with the Default Location designated for each Warehouse.  
    • Note: Req Qty is optional and can be used for preparing a pick ticket, this qty does not reserve or allocate any units. The Transfer Qty is what will actually be drawn from stock and shipped to the receiving location.

Click OK to save and don't forget to Post the Warehouse Transfer!

Transfer Inventory between different Warehouses

1.2. Transfer Inventory between Locations within the same Warehouse

Beginning with AV 20.0.6, Quantity Reserves are now ignored for Warehouse Transfers within the same Warehouse.

For example, if you have 5 units on-hand and all 5 units are reserved for a Sales Order, you are now able to transfer those 5 units to a different Location within the same Warehouse.

Transferring inventory within a Warehouse is largely the same as transferring between two different Warehouses.

Focusing on the differences between an Inter and Intra-Warehouse Transfer...

  1. For an Intra-Warehouse Transfer the From Warehouse and To Warehouse will be the same.
  2. In the Line Items section you can enter the From Location and To Location.
    • Locations are set up from within the Warehouse record.
    • See this article for info on setting up Locations within a Warehouse.
Transfer Inventory between Locations within the same Warehouse

2. Fulfillment Tab

The Fulfillment tab of the Warehouse Transfer record can be used to specify inventory Lots and Serial Numbers for shipment. If this tab is not used to allocate specific inventory, AcctVantage will draw units on a FIFO basis.

3. Bill of Lading Tab

The Bill of Lading tab can be used to prepare shipping documents for the transfer. Its function mirrors that found on the Sales Order Bill of Lading.

Bill of Lading Tab

Warehouse Transfer Detail

New for AV 2020.1.0 - We have added a list view screen for Warehouse Transfer Detail. These records correspond to the detail area you see when you open a Warehouse Transfer.

Warehouse Transfer Detail - list view