Unit of Measure Import

This article details how to import alternate Units of Measure for your Products.

See THIS ARTICLE for more info on Product Units of Measure.

1. Open the Product window

  1. Navigate to Warehouse Management > Products.
  2. Open the Action Menu and select Unit of Measure Import.
Product list view - Action Menu

2. Save the Unit of Measure import template

After choosing the Unit of Measure Import from the Action Menu, you are presented with a few options. The first time you do this, you will need to click Generate in order to create the import template.

Generate the import file

Choose a location to save the import template.

Select a location to save the import file

Now the file has been saved as an XLSX file.

Template created

3. Complete the Unit of Measure import template

After the template has been created, it can be opened in Excel and data can be entered. The columns in the template correspond to the fields listed HERE IN THIS ARTICLE.

There are too many columns to get them all in one screenshot, however below is a snippet of what the file looks like when opened in Excel. You can see each column header includes the type of data that goes in the field (e.g. text, number, date or true/false) along with the maximum number of characters (for text fields only).

When all data has been entered and you're ready to import the file, close the Excel application entirely.

UM import template example

Required columns:

  • Parent Part Number
  • UM Name
  • Multiplier (only required when importing new Units of Measure; not required when updating existing Units of Measure).

Other rules (if any of these rules are broken, it will cause an error in the import):

  • Do not change the column headers or delete the header row.
  • UM Name cannot be blank.
  • Multiplier must be greater than zero.
  • Sell price must be greater than or equal to zero.
  • Discount % must be greater than or equal to zero.
  • Vendor Cost must be greater than or equal to zero.
  • Vendor Discount % must be greater than or equal to zero.
  • Sell or Discount % can be set, not both.
  • Vendor Cost or Vendor Discount % can be set, not both.


  • Best practice would be to save the import template in a safe place once it has been filled out. This way, you will always have a record of what was imported.
  • Once you save the import template, you can keep a blank copy and reuse it at many times as you want to. You don't need to generate a new template each time you need to import new UM's (although it is OK if you do need to generate a new template).

4. Import the new Units of Measure

  1. Navigate to Warehouse Management > Products.
  2. Open the Action Menu and select Unit of Measure Import.
  3. Click Import to select the import file.
Import the UM template

Select the import template file (XLSX) that was saved containing the new Unit of Measure data.

Select the import file

When you see this message, you will know the import process has been completed error-free.

Import completed with no errors