Definitions for various icons in AcctVantage

List View icons

You will see this bar of icons in every List View in AcctVantage

List View icons

Create a New Record

Within the window for the desired module, click on the Create New Record icon or press CTRL+N (PC) or Command+N (Mac).

The Create New Record icon is located on the List View Toolbar.

Create a New Record

Change the Sort Order in a List View Screen

If you click the Order By icon you will be able to change the Sort Order of the screen you are viewing. This is not permanent change. Order By settings will return to the default when the window is closed.

The Order By icon is located on the List View Toolbar.

Change the Sort Order in a List View Screen

Keep Highlighted Selection

If you highlight a selection of records in a List View Screen and then click the Keep Highlighted Selection icon, AV will remove all non-highlighted records from the current view. This is a handy way to narrow down your list manually.

The Keep Highlighted Selection icon is located on the List View Toolbar.

Keep Highlighted Selection

Remove Highlighted Selection

If you highlight a selection of records in a List View Screen and then click the Remove Highlighted Selection icon, AV will remove all highlighted records from the current view. This is a handy way to narrow down your list manually.

The Remove Highlighted Selection icon is located on the List View Toolbar.

Remove Highlighted Selection

Graph Editor

Click the Graph Editor icon to open the Chart Wizard. This is a handy tool to display a graphical representation of Record data.

The Graph Editor icon is located on the List View Toolbar.

Graph Editor

Label Editor

Click the Label Editor icon to print mailing labels for a selection of records.

The Label Editor icon is located on the List View Toolbar.

Label Editor

Click the Print Record icon to open the Reports dialog box for the current AV Module.

The Print Record icon is located on the List View Toolbar.

Print Records

Change List View Font Type

In any List View Window you can change the Font Type of the List View Detail by clicking this icon.

Change List View Font Type

Increase List View Font Size

In any List View Window you can increase the Font Size of the List View Detail by clicking this icon.

Increase List View Font Size

Decrease List View Font Size

In any List View Window you can decrease the Font Size of the List View Detail by clicking this icon.

Decrease List View Font Size

Save Window Settings

(As of AV 2013.0.0.1) in any List View window you can change:

  • font type
  • font size
  • window size
  • window position

Use this push-pin to save these settings. This is done on a per User, per Window basis.

Save Window Settings

Action Menu

The Action Menu provides a quick way to take action on records without opening them; that is, while viewing them in a list. The functions available vary depending on the current window.

Action Menu

Add a Line Item

To add a Line Item to a record (i.e. Sales Order, Purchase Order, etc.), click on the plus (+) icon adjacent to the Line Items section.

Add a Line Item

Void or Delete a Record

Select the record you want to delete. From the List Menu (at the top of the screen) click Void or Delete. There are limitations to Voiding/Deleting records. Essentially, if the record is Posted it can not be deleted.

Void or Delete a Record

Delete a Line Item

To delete a Line Item, highlight the line, then click on the trashcan icon.

Delete a Line Item

Attach a Document to a Record

Click the paper clip icon to attach a Document to a record. You will be presented with a confirmation dialog. See the lesson Attach a Document to a Record for more details.

Attach a Document to a Record

View Documents Attached to a Record

If the paper clip icon has turned red this means there are already documents attached to the record. Click the icon to view documents already attached or to attach new ones.

View Documents Attached to a Record

View Tasks Associated with a Record

Click on the Note icon within the Record window if you want to view or assign an associated Task.

View Tasks Associated with a Record

Incomplete Tasks

You will see this alert icon (instead of the previous View Tasks icon) when there are incomplete tasks associated with a record.

Incomplete Tasks

View Information about a Record

By clicking the info button on a record you can view information such as Record ID, which User has Entered or Modified the Record, Entry and Modify Dates, etc.

View Information about a Record

Recalculate Document Totals

Click the calculator icon to recalculate the document totals after making changes to the document.

Recalculate Document Totals

Save Detail Form Settings

On a Sales Order and Purchase Order detail screen, you will see this push-pin icon. You can change the column width in the Line Item Detail section and then save those new column widths by clicking this push-pin icon.

Save Detail Form Settings

When you are viewing a Record detail:

  • Click the Previous Record icon (left-facing single arrow) to take you to the previous adjacent record in the list.
  • Click the Next Record icon (right-facing single arrow) to take you to the next adjacent record in the list.
  • Click the First Record icon (left-facing double arrow) to take you to the first record in the list.
  • Click the Last Record icon (right-facing double arrow) to take you to the last record in the list.

Note: Any changes you have made to a record will be saved when you exit it in this way.

Navigating Records

Time, Date & User Stamp

Click the clock icon to place a Time, Date and User stamp in a memo field

Time, Date & User Stamp

View History

Click the "roll back the clock" icon to View History. This can be done for a number of items (e.g. GL Account History, Client A/R History, Vendor A/P History, etc.)

View History

Swap Fields

Use this icon to swap Credit Card info fields on a Client/Sales Master record or Primary and Secondary Vendor fields on a Product record.

Swap Fields

On some screens (e.g. Sales Order and Client) you can use the View drop-down list to view Records related to the Record you are view (e.g. Correspondence, Contacts, Ship/Bill To, etc.)

View Related Records part 1

Next to some fields (e.g. Client Name on a Sales Order or Vendor Name on a Purchase Order) you will see this magnifying glass icon. If you click this icon you will drill down into the detail for the related record. This can be useful for changing data on the fly. For example, when entering a Sales Order for a Client they inform you they have changed their address. After entering the Client Name you can click this icon to open their Client record and change/save the address before returning to complete the Order Entry process.

View Related Records part 2

Charge to A/R

On the Payments tab of a Sales Order you will see this green (=) icon. By clicking this you will charge the Balance Due of the Invoice to the Client's A/R sub-account.

Charge to A/R

Select from a List

You will see the list icon next to various fields in AcctVantage (e.g. Ship To/Bill To Addresses, Our PO ID on a Voucher, etc.) If you click this icon you will be able to select from a list of choices for that field. For example, on a Sales Order (if the Client has multiple Ship To addresses) you can select from a list of these addresses.

The binoculars icon will allow you to enter a name on certain records (e.g. enter a Client Name on a drop-ship Purchase Order).

Select from a List

Modify a Report (also edit the contents of some fields)

Click this pencil icon to modify a Quick Report from the list of Reports in any given module. It can also be used to edit the contents of some fields in AcctVantage.

Modify a Report (also edit the contents of some fields)

Select a Date

You can either type a date into a field or click this icon to select the date from a calendar.

Select a Date