BOM component lot selection
When processing Work Orders, the system will allow you to select which Lot(s) to fulfill the components from. The result will depend on the Qty Required vs. the Qty Available in the selected Lot.
Work Order example
In the component area of the Work Order, there are several ways to fulfill BOM components:
- Allow the system to auto-fulfill the components. By default, the system will fulfill the components on a FIFO basis.
- Manually enter a Lot number to draw a component from.
- Select from a list of lots by typing the @ symbol. This functions as a wildcard search to bring up a list of all available Lots for each component.
If you choose either the 2nd or 3rd bullet point, the system will determine if the Lot contains enough available inventory to fulfill the line item. In this example I've typed @ symbol to bring up the list of Lots.
Please note this Work Order requires 20 units of Component 2.
Select a Lot to fulfill the line item. In this example, I've selected the Lot with 2 units remaining but I need 20 units to fulfill the line item.
If the Lot Quantity is enough to fulfill the line item (i.e. Qty Required) then there will be no issues.
If the Lot Quantity is not enough to fulfill the line item, you will see the message in the next step.

Since the Lot I selected does not contain enough available inventory, the system requires a decision.
I can either choose to Split the line item, in which case we still would need to fulfill the same total quantity of the component OR the system can Update the line item which will reduce the Qty Requried to match the Lot I selected.
Split line item
In this example we chose the Split option.
We needed 20 units to fulfill the line item but I selected a Lot with only 2 units. When I selected the Split option, the system created a new line item for the remaining 18 units that we need.
Following the same rules as outlined above, the remaining 18 units will need to be fulfilled from a different Lot.
Updated quantity on the line item
In this example we chose the Update option.
We initially needed 20 units to fulfill the line item but I selected a Lot with only 2 units. When the Update option was selected, the system reduced the Qty Required to match the quantity in the Lot we selected. At this point, there is nothing else remaining to fill for this component.
We recommend to use this option with caution since it does change the Bill of Materials for the finished good assembly.