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  • <p>If you see this message, it sounds like the AcctVantage Server should be restarted, but that is not the case; the AV Server is still running. This is a network issue; the network connection has been dropped (even just momentarily) and this message appears.</p> <p>Here is what 4D says about this error:</p> <p><em>&quot;...these errors appear when the network connection between 4D Server (i.e. AcctVantage Server) and 4D Remote (i.e. AcctVantage Client) has been dropped due to various reasons: someone unplugged the network cable, a router has closed the connection, the network equipment is saturated, hardware failure, etc. A reason this may have been caused by 4D could be that the Client - Server connection timeout in the database preferences is set to too low of a value.&quot;</em></p>
  • <p>If you see this message on your AcctVantage Server, then you need to perform the <strong><a href="../../9725/l/82631?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9725" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="5719674B-51EC-4EA8-8B93-C0ADA8706536" data-object-manual-uuid="FE48D8E0-6A34-0130-6732-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">Data Maintenance Procedure</a></strong>.</p>
  • Updated on: Feb 02, 2023

    Quote Status & Expiration Date

    <p>A new feature for v2013.1.0.0 is the ability to have a <strong>Quote Status</strong> and <strong>Quote Expiration Date</strong>. The Expiration Date is not &quot;enforced&quot; - it is purely informational. In other words, the Quote can still be flipped into a Sales Order after the Expiration Date if your Sales Team just disregards the date.</p> <p><a href="../../9731/l/58479?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9731" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="CC5EE46B-5D80-441A-9B3F-4D5B989ACB64" data-object-manual-uuid="43B18180-6A35-0130-673E-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">The process to Create a Quote is detailed here.</a></p>
  • <p>A new feature for AcctVantage 2013.0.0.3 is the ability to have AP Aging Columns displayed in the AP Disbursement window. These will be the same columns you are used to seeing in the AP Aging window.</p> <ul><li>If you have made any changes to the Standard AP Disbursement View Definition, you'll want to follow the instructions for Steps 1-6 (below) to add the AP Aging Columns. This is necessary so you don't overwrite any custom changes you've made to the View Definition. <em><strong>Skip to the Alternate Instructions @ Step 1 for more information.</strong></em></li> <li>If you are using the Standard AP Disbursement View Definition, you can download and install the new <strong>Standard AP Disbursement View Definition</strong>, which will update the window to include these columns. </li> </ul> <p><em><strong><a href="../../9725/l/78175?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9725" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="10D4CA54-0697-4742-82CE-B2FE7AC2D4CC" data-object-manual-uuid="FE48D8E0-6A34-0130-6732-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">For more on the View Editor see this article.</a></strong></em></p>
  • Updated on: Feb 02, 2023

    Save Your Email Password

    <p>By default AcctVantage will require each User to enter their <strong>Email Password</strong> once per session when emailing documents from within the program. However, starting with <a href="../../9723/l/95517?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9723" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="AF69572A-2465-4AC0-AA17-FAD12AD2B266" data-object-manual-uuid="C1E48560-6A34-0130-672E-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">v2013.0.0.2</a>, each User can save their email password in AcctVantage so it won't need to be entered every day.</p>
  • Updated on: Feb 02, 2023

    Rebuild Invoice

    <p>If an Invoice won't save or post, under certain circumstances the <strong>Rebuild Invoice Utility</strong> can be used to fix this.</p>
  • Updated on: Feb 02, 2023

    Backorder Hold Tag

    <p>The Back Order Hold Tag feature includes a set of System Configuration options to streamline filling of Backorders and creation of Ord-BOs. When an item on Backorder is marked to fill the User may be prompted to print a <strong>Backorder Hold Tag</strong> to attach to the filled units on the shelf. When the last Backordered item for a Sales Order has been filled, the user may be prompted to create an Ord-BO and to print the Sales Order.</p>
  • Updated on: Feb 02, 2023

    Payroll Import Setup

    <p>The <strong>Payroll Import</strong> area allows you to import payroll data from CheckMark Software, Inc.’s Payroll system. The use of this feature requires a license (sold separately) for <strong><a href="" target="_blank">CheckMark Payroll.</a></strong> </p> <p>Before you can use the Payroll Import feature, there are a few things that need to be set up.</p>