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  • <p><strong>Below are bare minimum system requirements for both AcctVantage Client and Server hardware. Better than minimum hardware will improve performance.</strong></p> <p><strong>AcctVantage Technical Support does not support hardware, network, or other IT setup outside of actually installing and configuring the AcctVantage software.</strong> However, we will be happy to work with your IT staff or consultants to discuss our experiences with various hardware/network situations.</p> <p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p><strong>Notes on Operating Systems:  </strong></p> <ul><li>AcctVantage releases are certified to work with specific versions of Macintosh and Windows Operating Systems.  <ul><li>For Macintosh, certifications are done at the 10.<strong>x</strong> level, meaning that an AcctVantage version certified for 10.<strong>5</strong> or earlier will not operate on a server or client running Mac OS 10.<strong>4.</strong>  </li> <li>For Windows, the certification is done by major release version such as Windows XP or Windows 7.</li> </ul> </li> <li>We suggest turning OFF all Automatic Update programs that may update an Operating System version. The OS certification applies to both Server and Client machines. </li> <li>Bookmark this article for the latest supported OS versions and the corresponding AcctVantage release.</li> <li>AcctVantage operates on a Local Area Network (LAN) using TCP/IP protocols. If all users are on the same LAN, then dynamic IP address assignment is acceptable. It is recommended that all LAN connections be routed through switches rather than hubs and that “daisy-chaining” of switches and/or hubs be avoided.</li> </ul>
  • <p><strong>Issue</strong></p> <p>The Sales Order and Purchase Order Detail Screens each have a special use button labeled “OK &amp; Print”. This button will save a record, present a list of reporting options and then close the record. </p> <p>The list may be customized to display only selected forms; it may also be customized to have only one form selected for printing, depending on the current status of the sales order or purchase order.</p> <p><strong>Choosing items to appear in the list</strong></p> <p>The appearance of a report in the “OK &amp; Print” dialog box is controlled through a check box labeled “Available Detail Form” on the Custom Form or System Report definition record. If this box is checked, then the report will appear in the dialog on the corresponding screen (PO or Sales Orders).</p> <p>To add or delete a Custom Form or System Report from the OK &amp; Print list dialog:</p> <ol><li> Go to Administration-&gt;Custom Forms (or Administration-&gt;System Reports)</li> <li> Click to Show All</li> <li> Double click on the report to be modified</li> <li> Check or uncheck the ‘Available Detail Form’ checkbox as needed </li> </ol> <p>Un-checking the box does not delete or remove the report/form from the system; it simply excludes the report from the OK &amp; Print report list. The box can be re-checked at any time to include the report in the list.</p> <p><strong>Choosing custom forms to be selected for printing</strong></p> <p>If there are many forms in the list, it can be tedious to un-check all of the forms which are NOT needed for printing. You can assign specific custom forms to be selected depending on the order’s status.</p> <ol><li> Go to Administration -&gt; System Configuration</li> <li> Change the drop-down menu selection to Sales Document</li> <li> Scroll down to the section of rows with names beginning “Default Custom Form…”</li> <li> Double-click in the blank space under the Value column</li> <li> Choose a custom form to associate with each order status – the most commonly used option here is to associate “Sales Document – Custom Form” with the status “Shipped/Invoice”. You might also associate a pick list custom form with &quot;Picked&quot; status, and so forth.</li> </ol> <p>When clicking the OK &amp; Print button, only the specified form will now have an “X” marked for printing.</p>
  • Updated on: Mar 13, 2019

    Quick Report List Many

    <p>This <strong>Quick Report List Many</strong> function will allow for easy reporting of related data from a “Child” table. Without this function, Quick Reports that contained data from both a Child and Parent table were required to be built from the “Child” table. With this function, reports can be created from the Parent table.</p>
  • Updated on: Mar 13, 2019

    Modify an Existing Quick Report

    <p><strong>Introduction</strong></p> <p>This Tech Note will describe how to modify a Quick Report that was previously saved in the List of available reports. </p> <p> Note that there are steps described for modifying a Quick Report that  was added by a User and another set of steps for modifying AcctVantage  supplied reports. </p> <p><strong>Details</strong></p> <p><strong>Modifying a Report saved by a User</strong> </p> <p> </p> <ol><li> Open the Reports list in the screen where the report was created (i.e., Sales &gt; Sales Analysis). Modifications cannot be done from the module level reports  window (i.e.,Sales &gt; Sales Reports). </li> <li> Highlight the report you wish to modify. </li> <li> Click on the “pencil” icon at the top right of the list. </li> <li><em>If  the pencil icon is not available, then the report is either a Custom  Form or a System Report and is not available for editing in this manner.</em></li> <li> Select the “Create File” button and choose a place to save the file to. </li> <li> Click on the “Report Editor” button under “Edit a Saved Report” to open the Quick Report Editor screen. </li> <li> In the Quick Report Editor screen, choose File&gt;Open and select the file saved in step 4. </li> <li> Make the desired changes to the report definition and save the  results to your hard drive. You can use the same file name as created  in step 4 or give the report a new file name, either way is fine.  Refer to the <a href="../../9733/l/114695?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9733" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="052FDB1B-34A0-469F-B125-53E31AC6C4CE" data-object-manual-uuid="5B286120-6A35-0130-6742-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">Quick Report Editor article </a>for more information on formatting your report.</li> <li> Close the Quick Report Editor screen. </li> <li> Click on “Link Report” under “Edit a Saved Report” and select the file saved in step 7. </li> <li>  Click OK to close and save the report details.</li> </ol> <p>The modified report is now linked under the original Report Name. You  may discard the file saved in step 7, the report has been copied into  your data file.</p> <p><strong>Modifying an AcctVantage provided Quick Report</strong></p> <p> </p> <ol><li> Open the Reports list in the screen where the report was  created. Modifications cannot be done from the module level reports  window (i.e., Sales Reports). </li> <li> Highlight the report you wish to modify. </li> <li> Click on the “pencil” icon at the top right of the list. </li> <li><em>If  the pencil icon is not available, then the report is either a Custom  Form or a System Report and is not available for editing in this manner.</em></li> <li> Select the “Create File” button and choose a place to save the file to. </li> <li> Close the Modify Report window and return to the list of Available reports. </li> <li> Add a new report by clicking on the “+” icon and following the  instructions in the <a href="../../9733/l/114695?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9733" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="052FDB1B-34A0-469F-B125-53E31AC6C4CE" data-object-manual-uuid="5B286120-6A35-0130-6742-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">Quick Report Editor article</a> to format your report.  Use the file created in step 4 when “linking” the new report. </li> </ol> <p>AcctVantage does not allow modifications to our standard reports to ensure that core reports are always available.</p>
  • Updated on: Mar 13, 2019

    Accessing the Quick Report Editor

    <p>Access to the Quick Report Editor is restricted based on individual User permissions and &quot;where&quot; you are in the system.</p>
  • Updated on: Jan 31, 2019

    What Can Scripting Do For Me?

    <p>Scripting is a way for us to help you support your operations with custom features without the cost, overhead and support issues normally associated with custom software. Essentially a script is a unique piece of software that adds functions to AcctVantage without modifying our core application or "source code". </p> <p>When we install a script for you, that script is stored within your AcctVantage system as data, just like a client record or a PO that you've written. When you take advantage of an AcctVantage upgrade your scripts get upgraded right along with the rest of your data. In this way, you can take advantage of a unique, customized, AcctVantage experience without being left behind on out-of-date "one off" versions of AcctVantage.</p> <p>Scripts can be used for a number of different functions.</p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Enforce workflows or business rules that are unique to your operation</li> <li>Specialized imports or exports of data</li> <li>Custom reports</li> <li>Add features like custom calculations, work flow management, etc.</li> <li>Perform scheduled tasks such as emailing certain reports.</li> <li>???</li> </ul> <p>Scripting is a powerful tool that can add a lot of value to your AcctVantage system. If you have an idea of a function or task that you wish AcctVantage could do for you, contact AcctVantage Support and we'll help you make it happen!</p> <p>Scripting is so powerful that you could, if you weren't careful, cause a lot trouble. Therefore, script writing is restricted to AcctVantage's Professional Services staff. </p>
  • Updated on: Jan 31, 2019

    Who Can Write a Script?

    <p>Only AcctVantage Technical Support or AcctVantage Professional Services can create scripts. End Users, even Administrators, do not have access to create new scripts. The only exception to this would be for AcctVantage sites that have licensed the Source Code. The first step in having a script created is to <a href="82759?resolve=true" target="_blank">contact AcctVantage Technical Support</a> with a description of the feature/function that you need.</p>
  • <p>The sum shown in the bottom row of some columns in list view is constrained to a maximum number of records which is set in the System Setup. If the current number of records exceeds this setting, instead of a total the word LIMIT appears. </p> <p>This constraint is in place to optimize efficiency of performance in the system. If memory and hardware is adequate, the limit can be raised so that totals may be displayed on larger numbers of records in the list view. Follow these steps:</p> <ol><li> Go to Administration ➤ System Setup.</li> <li> Select the Tools &amp; Custom tab.</li> <li> In the <strong>List View Limit</strong> field, enter the desired value (e.g. 10,000).</li> <li> Click <strong>OK</strong> to close the System Setup screen.</li> <li> Close any relevant windows and re-open them to see the new change take effect.</li> </ol>
  • Updated on: Jan 16, 2019

    Searching in a List View window

    <p>When you open a Window in AcctVantage, you will be presented with the List View. This layout provides all of the tools necessary to search for existing records, create new records, produce reports and generally perform any task necessary for that Window.</p> <p><em>A note for technically-oriented people: Each AcctVantage Window (List View), represents a specific “table” in the database while each item in the List View is a “record.”</em></p> <p><span style="text-decoration:underline"><strong>Quick Search Basics</strong></span></p> <p>The <strong>Quick Search</strong> drop-down menu gives you access to selected database fields for the screen you are currently viewing. Your Administrator controls which fields are displayed in this list (and the order in which they are displayed) so you can tailor your search to your needs. For example, in the Product screen you could search for Products using the Part Number as your criteria.</p> <p>Once you’ve selected the field to search by, enter the criteria in the Starting and Ending entry fields. Using both the Starting and Ending will allow you to define a range of values to find matching criteria. You can use only the Starting criteria if a range is not needed. The more you enter into the search criteria, the narrower will be the resulting list of records.</p> <p>If you are looking for a much more detailed method of searching tables in AV see the lesson on <a href="58446?resolve=true">Power Searches.</a></p>