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  • Updated on: Feb 18, 2020

    Reassign Product Class

  • Updated on: Feb 10, 2020

    Create a Check Register-only Entry

    <ul><li>This is a feature that we recommend you to use sparingly. </li> <li>Its usefulness is most often accompanied by some error that results in a Check or Deposit being posted incorrectly to the Check Register. </li> <li>This type of entry will not affect the General Ledger. It can best be described as writing something in your checkbook without taking it to the bank.</li> </ul>
  • Updated on: Feb 03, 2020

    Tax Areas

    <p><strong>Tax Areas</strong> allow you to enter tax rates for different jurisdictions; you can enter as many of them as you need. Tax Areas can be assigned to <strong><a href="../../9731/l/96108?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9731" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="4AE313C0-4149-4B9E-894F-D94868D64C4A" data-object-manual-uuid="43B18180-6A35-0130-673E-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="">Client</a></strong> records and/or the Client's alternate <strong><a href="../../9731/l/115100?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9731" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="644B3708-BB03-40B9-A926-B2F0562C6B5E" data-object-manual-uuid="43B18180-6A35-0130-673E-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="">Ship/Bill To</a></strong> records (if any exist). The Tax Area assigned to the shipping address [that is used on the Sales Order] will be used for calculating taxes for that Order by default. You can change the Tax Area on the Sales Order if you need to.</p>
  • Updated on: Jan 22, 2020

    Journal Entry Import

    <p>The <strong>Journal Entry Import Template</strong> is a text file much like the ones used to import records (e.g. Clients, Vendors, Products) into other AV modules. <span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>However, this template has a different format that must be strictly adhered to.</strong></span></p> <p>There are two sections to this import template:</p> <ol> <li><strong>GL Summary</strong></li> <li><strong>Sub-Account Detail</strong></li> </ol> <p> In the sample below, rows 6-10 make up the <strong>GL Summary</strong> section and rows 12-43 make up the <strong>Sub-Account Detail</strong> section.</p> <p>Note: If your import does not contain Sub-Account data (Inventory, AR, AP, etc), you must still include the Sub-Account header row (row 12 in screen shot below) and the EOF (end of file) tag.</p> <p><strong>Before you begin: </strong></p> <ul> <li><strong><a href="../../9725/l/82630?data-resolve-url=true&amp;data-manual-id=9725" target="_blank" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="F0852DCC-516E-438B-9E72-3C2BB07A570F" data-object-manual-uuid="FE48D8E0-6A34-0130-6732-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true">Make a Backup of your AcctVantage Data File.</a></strong></li> <li><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Download the Journal Entry Import Template here.</a></strong></li> </ul>
  • Updated on: Jan 21, 2020

    Export a Vendor Payments (1099) Report

    <p>Helpful in preparing 1099 forms for subsmission to the IRS, the Vendor Payments report script provides 2 exports in a single process.  First is a detailed spreadsheet showing all payments made to the selected vendors during a calendar year.  Second is a summary containing the info commonly used to import into 1099 reporting software.</p>
  • Updated on: Jan 14, 2020

    Inventory & Marketing tab

  • Updated on: Jul 22, 2019

    Cache Memory Settings

    <p>The Cache memory contains application data recently requested by users. AcctVantage Server performs its own data caching to optimize performance.</p>
  • Updated on: Apr 24, 2019

    Subsidiary Check

  • Updated on: Apr 22, 2019

    Client / Server Timeout Settings