Job Items

Job Items are all of the income, costs and other miscellaneous items that are linked to a Job. These items consist of the following (click the links below to expand each section for more info):

PO Items

The PO Items tab includes Purchase Order line items that have been assigned to the Job. These items will appear as soon as the PO is saved. When the inventory is received, the Qty Rcvd will be updated.

The cost for PO Items is recorded for reporting purposes only. These costs DO NOT affect the overall Job Cost or profitability. Inventory costs are only assigned to a Job via Inventory Maintenance Items or Invoice Items.

In other words, if you receive inventory via a PO for a specific job, but the inventory is never drawn out of stock via Inventory Maintenance or a Sales Order assigned to the job, then the cost of that inventory is not assigned to the job.

Job - PO Items
Invoice Items

The Invoice Items tab includes Sales Order line items that have been assigned to the Job. These items will appear when the Invoice is posted.

The invoice extended amount of each line item will be included in the Job Income.

In some cases it will make sense to initiate Invoicing from within the Job. For example, you may invoice for benchmarks during the project rather than specific line items or products.

CLICK THIS LINK for more info on Progress Billing.

Job - Invoice Items
Inventory Maintenance Items

The Inventory Maintenance Items tab includes manual inventory adjustments that have been assigned to the Job. These items will appear as soon as they are saved.

The cost of inventory that is drawn out of stock via Inventory Maintenance will be included in the Job Cost.

Job - Inventory Maintenance Items
Miscellaneous Items

The Miscellaneous Items tab includes income or costs for the job that were manually entered on this tab.

One potential use of these types of items is to account for job income or costs that were missed during initial data entry.

Income and/or costs that are entered as Miscellaneous Items will be included in the Job Profitability. However, these items are not included on the general ledger.

Job - Miscellaneous Items

The Labor tab includes costs that were manually entered on this tab. There is an optional Labor Markup % field that can be applied to the labor cost.

Labor items entered here will be included in the Job Cost. The Amount w/ Markup is the amount that will be used.

Job - Labor

Labor Markup %

To set a default markup, navigate to Administration -> System Configuration, select Jobs from the drop-down menu, double-click the setting Labor Markup Pcnt and enter the percentage.

System Configuration - Jobs
Receipt Items

The Receipt Items tab includes a list of all job-related payments received from the Client.

Receipts are recorded here for reporting purposes only. Receipts DO NOT affect the overall Job Income or profitability. Job Income is only assigned to a Job via Invoice Items or Miscellaneous Items.

In other words, when you issue an Invoice with line items that are associated with a Job, that is when the the Job Income is recorded. Receiving a payment does not impact the Job's profit.

Job - Receipt Items
Adjustment Items

The Adjustment Items tab includes a list of all Adjusting Journal Entries that have been assigned to the Job.

Adjusting Journal Entries do affect Job Profitability. Whether these entries show up as Income or Cost will be determined by the type of GL account and whether the amount is in the debit or credit column.

Job - Adjustment Items
Voucher Items

The Voucher Items tab includes a list of all non-inventory expense line items that have been entered on Vouchers for the Job.

Voucher items will only affect the Job Cost if a non-inventory G/L expense is entered on the Voucher.

This is similar to the logic used for PO Items. Recording a payable for inventory does not incur an expense. The expense is incurred when the inventory is sold or drawn out of stock.

Job - Voucher Items
Check Items

The Check Items tab contains a list of all Quick Check line items that have been assigned to the Job.

Check items will only affect the Job Cost if a G/L expense is entered on a Quick Check.

Checks do not incur an expense if they written to pay for inventory received via PO and entered via Voucher.

Job - Check Items
Additional Info

The Additional Info tab contains a bunch of custom fields that can be leveraged in various custom applications. Contact AV Support if you have a specific use-case.

Job - Additional Info

The Commission tab is a place to help calculate the job-based commissions. Contact AV Support for specific use-cases regarding commissions.

Job - Commission
Custom List

This entire tab is designed to be customizable also.

Job - Custom List

Which Job Items are included in the Income, Cost and Profitability section of a Job?

The following Job Items are included in the Job Profitability calculations:


  • Invoice Items (revenue)
  • Adjustment Items (credit to an expense account or debit to a revenue account)
  • Miscellaneous Items (Type = Income)


  • Invoice Items (cost of goods sold)
  • Adjustment Items (debit to an expense account or credit to a revenue account)
  • Inventory Maintenance Items
  • Voucher Items (non-inventory expenses)
  • Check Items (non-inventory expenses)
  • Miscellaneous Items (Type = Cost)
  • Labor Items

Job Items list view

Navigate to Job Costing ➡️ Job Items to open the Job Items list view. Use the cross-reference drop-down or quick search to find job items related to a specific Job.

Job Items - list view