Employees, Account Managers and other Staff

Employee records are used to track basic information about your staff.

Any Employee can be used as an Account Manager for Clients, Sales Orders, Vendors, Purchase Orders, etc. When you create an Employee record, a corresponding User record is also created, though no access is granted.  If desired, to grant access and establish the Employee/User's privileges, go to the  User Access Levels screen.

By recording a Social Security Number, you can also link data from CheckMark software’s payroll system that integrates with AcctVantage. AcctVantage views employee payroll information as extremely confidential, so all payroll information is maintained outside of AcctVantage in a system such as CheckMark or your 3rd party payroll service. When importing into AcctVantage, only a memo with check number is linked to the employee records.

Note: Creating an Employee record for someone does not allow that person access to AcctVantage. To provide access to AcctVantage, you must uncheck the Revoke Access box on the User record for the person.

1. Open the Employees window

Note: In AV 2015 and earlier, the Employees function was found is a Payroll module. This module was eliminated in AV 2017 and the Employee function moved to the Administration module.

Open the Employees window

2. Enter the Employee info

Employee Name and Address

  • Employee Name: The Employee’s name. For ease in searching Employee records, it’s important to adhere to the standards your company has set for name format (first_name last_name or last_name, first  name).
  • Address 1 and Address 2, City, State, Zip: Address information for the Employee. Remember that the State field takes the standard 2-digit abbreviation.
  • Telephone: The Employee’s telephone number. When entering phone numbers, use a consistent format for search purposes. Since this field is limited to 12 digits, we suggest 123-456-7890.
  • Social Security #: The Employee’s Social Security Number.  

Notify in Case of Emergency

  • Information about whom to contact regarding this Employee in case of emergency. Be sure to include name, address, area code and phone number, and relationship to the person. You can use any format you wish and add as many contacts as desired.


  • Hire Date: The date the Employee was hired, in MM/DD/YY format.
  • Termination Date: If the Employee no longer works for the company enter his or her last paid day in MM/DD/YY format.
  • Pay Rate: The Employee’s wage rate. AcctVantage allows you to use whatever rate unit is preferred by your company for that position (e.g. hourly or annually).


  • Any other pertinent information about the Employee. Use the time/date stamp to date records of Employee evaluations, wage reviews, reprimands, etc.
Enter the Employee info