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  • Updated on: Feb 02, 2023

    Sales Summary

    <p>The <strong>Sales Summary</strong> window provides an overview of sales history on a per Client per Product basis.</p>
  • Updated on: Feb 02, 2023

    View Open Orders

  • Updated on: Feb 02, 2023

    Create a Quote

  • <p>You can view (and modify) the Gross Profit Margin on a Sales Order either on an Order-wide basis or on a per line item basis.</p> <p>First, there are a few System Configuration settings that you'll need to change...</p>
  • <p>There are a few things to note with regards to determining the Warehouse that Inventory will be drawn from on a Sales Order.</p> <ul><li>When a new Sales Order is created (before any data is entered) the Warehouse field on the Order will be populated with the Default Warehouse listed on the Personal Info tab on the User record who created the Order.</li> <li>After a Client is entered on the Sales Order the Warehouse field will change to be populated with the Default Warehouse listed on the Account Information tab of the Client record.</li> <li>If you want to change the overall Warehouse that this Order will ship from, you must do it prior to saving the Order. Once the Order is saved, the Warehouse is locked.</li> <li>If you want to draw each line item on an Order from a different Warehouse, you need to enable the Warehouse column in System Configuration.</li> </ul>
  • <p>This article will show you how to swap out parts in a Kit's recipe after entering the Kit on a line item of a Sales Order. </p> <p>This allows you to make a change to the Kit's Recipe <span style="text-decoration:underline">for this Order only</span> while keeping the original Bill of Materials intact.</p>
  • <p>You can fill items on Sales Orders using specific <em><strong>Lot Numbers</strong></em> (non-Serialized Products) or <em><strong>Serial Numbers</strong></em> (Serialized Products only.)</p> <p><strong>Notes: </strong></p> <ul><li><strong>Serial Numbers</strong> are tied to the <strong>Lot</strong> they were originally added to. In effect, when you Fulfill an Order using a specific Serial Number, you are also Fulfilling from the Lot that contains the specified Serial Number.</li> <li>If no Lot Number is specified for Fulfillment, AcctVantage will automatically fill the Order from Lots on a First In, First Out basis. Serialized products <em>require</em> that you select a SN for fulfillment.</li> </ul>
  • Updated on: Feb 02, 2023

    Sales & Purchasing tab

    <p>The <strong>System Setup: Sales &amp; Purchasing</strong> window allows for customization of the Sales and Purchasing Modules.</p>
  • Updated on: Feb 02, 2023

    Edit the Shortcuts

    <p>How to change the keyboard shortcuts associated with AcctVantage menu items.</p> <p>Note: shortcuts are universal - changing them will effect every system User.</p>