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Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Backorder Hold Tag
<p>The Back Order Hold Tag feature includes a set of System Configuration options to streamline filling of Backorders and creation of Ord-BOs. When an item on Backorder is marked to fill the User may be prompted to print a <strong>Backorder Hold Tag</strong> to attach to the filled units on the shelf. When the last Backordered item for a Sales Order has been filled, the user may be prompted to create an Ord-BO and to print the Sales Order.</p>Manual Accounts Receivable | Sales -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Payroll Import Setup
<p>The <strong>Payroll Import</strong> area allows you to import payroll data from CheckMark Software, Inc.’s Payroll system. The use of this feature requires a license (sold separately) for <strong><a href="" target="_blank">CheckMark Payroll.</a></strong> </p> <p>Before you can use the Payroll Import feature, there are a few things that need to be set up.</p>Manual Accounting | General Ledger -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Void/Delete a Client or Prospect record
<p>This article describes the criteria for Voiding vs. Deleting a Client or Prospect record. The term <strong>Client</strong> will be used to describe both Client and Prospect records in this article.</p>Manual Accounts Receivable | Sales -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Quick Entry
<p>The <strong>Quick Entry</strong> feature provides a quick way to enter commonplace orders for new customers. The information entered here will be used to make new records for the customer including a <em><strong>Client</strong></em> record, a <em><strong>Contact</strong></em> record, an <em><strong>Order</strong></em> record, and a <em><strong>Correspondence</strong></em> record. </p> <p>Note: The Products included in a Quick Entry order must be defined as such on the Product record. (Open the Product record, select the Other Info tab and check the Quick Entry box.)</p>Manual Accounts Receivable | Sales -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Print an Order as an Invoice
<p>If you need to print a non-posted Sales Order as an Invoice, you've come to the right place! </p> <p>You will need two things to make this happen:</p> <ol><li>The Custom Form for the Invoice that you want to print instead of the Sales Order form. This form typically will be titled Invoice but will display quantities that have been Ordered (instead of quantities that have Shipped like a normal Invoice).</li> <li>The ability to log in as Administrator and change settings in System Configuration.</li> </ol>Manual Accounts Receivable | Sales -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Cascade Windows
<p>The Cascade Windows feature is used to bring all open AcctVantage windows into one stack of windows.</p>Manual AcctVantage ERP 101 -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
<p>The <strong>Planner</strong> provides a way to schedule and monitor events and tasks for AcctVantage Users.</p>Manual AcctVantage ERP 101 -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Vendor Correspondence
<p>The <strong>Correspondence</strong> feature allows you to keep track of communication with Clients or Vendors. Correspondence records may be either <strong>Email</strong> or <strong>Note</strong> history. This feature can help you to manage relationships with your <strong>Clients</strong> and <strong>Vendors</strong> by recording conversations and email messages as well as setting follow up reminders and task notices via the integrated Planner. </p> -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Client Correspondence
<p>The <strong>Correspondence</strong> feature allows you to keep track of communication with Clients or Vendors. Correspondence records may be either <strong>Email</strong> or <strong>Note</strong> history. This feature can help you to manage relationships with your <strong>Clients</strong> and <strong>Vendors</strong> by recording conversations and email messages as well as setting follow up reminders and task notices via the integrated Planner. </p>Manual Accounts Receivable | Sales -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Add a new Vendor Contact
<p>A <strong>Contact</strong> is a person who represents your Client or Vendor and with whom you Correspond regarding transactions. In addition to basic information such as name, address, phone number, and job title, the <strong>Contacts</strong> area allows you to note what kind of mailings you want the person to receive and view the person’s picture. It also provides space for you to enter any other information you want. </p>