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Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
GL Transaction Keys
<p>Searching in the GL Transaction View window can be limited to only certain types of transactions, by power searching for transaction key values beginning with certain letters:</p> <p>A = Adjusting Entry </p> <p>C = Check </p> <p>I = Invoice </p> <p>M = Inventory Maintenance </p> <p>P = Purchase Order </p> <p>R = Receipt </p> <p>T = GL External Transaction </p> <p>V = Voucher </p> <p>W = Warehouse Transaction </p>Manual Accounting | General Ledger -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Tax area does not reflect update to Client record
<p><strong>Issue:</strong> </p> <p>A Client's default Tax Area is stored on the Client record. For example, <strong>MD</strong> for Maryland. Orders to this customer are now need to be shipped as non-taxable as the Products are intended for resale. The tax area field of the Client's record has been updated to reflect this but new orders are still showing <strong>MD</strong> as the default Tax Area.</p> <p><strong>Solution:</strong></p> <p>A Tax Area stored on a default <strong>Ship To</strong> record will overrule the Tax Area stored on the Client record. Check the Ship To records associated with this Client and ensure that these records show the intended Tax Area.</p>Manual Accounts Receivable | Sales -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
System Logs
<p>Access to <strong>System Logs</strong> is found under the Administration module. By default the following actions are always recorded in System Logs:</p> <ul><li><strong>Check Runs Canceled:</strong> The user name, date, time, and check detail are recorded when a user cancels a check run.</li> <li><strong>Data File Maintenance:</strong> The user name (Administrator), date, and time are recorded when the data maintenance procedure is performed.</li> <li><strong>General Errors:</strong> This is recorded when the Company Name has been changed in System Setup. </li> <li><strong>Log In/Out:</strong> The user name, date, and time are recorded for every log in or log out.</li> <li><strong>Version Log:</strong> The user name and old and new version numbers are recorded when an upgrade is first launched.</li> <li><strong>Log On Errors:</strong> The user name, date, and time are recorded when an error message is displayed to a user on login (for example, a message that the current date is not within an open fiscal period).</li> <li><strong>Scheduled Script:</strong> Error details if an error occurs when a scheduled script is executed.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Optional logging</strong></p> <p>The following actions are recorded if elected via System Configuration:</p> <ul><li><strong>List View Query:</strong> The user name, date, time, and search criteria of every list view action. This includes Show All, Quick Search, Power Search, Cross-reference, and Filter.</li> </ul> <p>Enable this option by going to Administration ➤ System Configuration ➤ List View and set the value for List View Query to <strong>True</strong>.</p>Manual Administration -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
<p>These can be very helpful to users who like using shortcuts!</p>Manual AcctVantage ERP 101 -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Change a Serial Number
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Port Settings
<p>By default the AcctVantage Server broadcasts on port <strong>19813</strong>. It is possible to change the port used by the application by following these steps:</p>Manual Administration -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Opening and Working with Text Files Using Microsoft Excel
<p>This article will address the proper procedure for opening text files when using Microsoft Excel®. These steps are especially important when creating and working with templates that will be used to import data into Acctvantage.</p> <p>When opening and working with text files in Excel, the following formatting issues can arise: </p> <ol><li>Leading zeroes are dropped. </li> <li>Date formatting is lost. </li> <li>General Ledger Account Codes revert to Scientific Notation (ex: 2.10E+10). </li> <li>Quotes are added to text, unfortunately these quotes are only visible when opened with a text editor or after importing data.</li> </ol> <p>To avoid these issues, open the documents using the following procedure and always review your data before importing using a text editor other than Excel.</p>Manual AcctVantage ERP 101 -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Inventory Balances
<p>The <strong>Inventory Balances Utility</strong> may be run in the event that the Inventory quantity displayed for a Product appears to be incorrect. </p>Manual Administration -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Imports and External Transactions
<p>The <strong>Imports and External Transactions</strong> area allows you to bring accounting information from legacy systems, production systems or third-party software into your AcctVantage system. </p> <p>The External Transaction mechanism allows you to import post-able General Ledger, Accounts Receivable/Payable, and Inventory Sub-ledger transactions into AcctVantage from other software. Typically, this is used if you have specialized production software, unique sales orders, etc. While AcctVantage is fully customizable to accommodate your company’s unique needs, by using the External Transactions process, we are often able to provide unique functionality without affecting the core product. <em>This makes system upgrades and maintenance much easier, not to mention cheaper!</em> </p> <p>Please see the <strong><a href="../../9734/l/107449?data-resolve-url=true&data-manual-id=9734" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="E5E4D600-9015-0130-033E-12313804AAC3" data-object-manual-uuid="6399A330-6A35-0130-6744-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">Journal Entry Import</a></strong> article for more information.</p>Manual Accounting | General Ledger -
Updated on: Feb 02, 2023
Employees, Account Managers and other Staff
<p><strong>Employee</strong> records are used to track basic information about your staff. </p> <p>Any <strong>Employee</strong> can be used as an Account Manager for Clients, Sales Orders, Vendors, Purchase Orders, etc. <strong> </strong>When you create an Employee record, a corresponding <strong>User</strong> record is also created, though no access is granted. If desired, to grant access and establish the Employee/User's privileges, go to the <a href="../../9725/c/57991?data-resolve-url=true&data-manual-id=9725" data-object-class="chapter" data-object-uuid="d23ab291-9d23-4fb3-ab58-333478145819" data-object-manual-uuid="FE48D8E0-6A34-0130-6732-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">User Access Levels </a>screen.</p> <p>By recording a Social Security Number, you can also link data from CheckMark software’s payroll system that integrates with AcctVantage. AcctVantage views employee payroll information as extremely confidential, so all payroll information is maintained outside of AcctVantage in a system such as CheckMark or your 3rd party payroll service. When importing into AcctVantage, only a memo with check number is linked to the employee records.</p> <p><em>Note: Creating an Employee record for someone does not allow that person access to AcctVantage. To provide access to AcctVantage, you must</em><em><strong> </strong></em><em>uncheck the </em><em><strong>Revoke Access</strong></em><em> box on the</em><em><strong> </strong></em><em><strong><a href="../../9725/l/94682?data-resolve-url=true&data-manual-id=9725" data-object-class="article" data-object-uuid="DE36CFE8-DEAA-4786-96F5-0C40EDB4E28A" data-object-manual-uuid="FE48D8E0-6A34-0130-6732-12313804AAC3" data-resolve-url="true" target="_blank">User</a></strong></em><em> record for the person.</em></p>Manual Accounting | General Ledger