What Are Scripts?

A Script is a text file that contains code for a specific action. By using scripts, Beckware can deliver custom tailored functions, occasional data updates and other “quick” development projects. Scripts are a way of adding new functionality that usually does not require a new version of the software. The script code becomes part of your database rather than being incorporated into the actual AcctVantage application. Some scripts can be used as Action Menu items that you will use often. Other scripts will be used to address a particular data update issue or very specific function.

New functionality added to your system (via scripts or any other methods) are typically considered custom projects (i.e. paid).

Scripts are almost always customizations that are designed to according to our customers' specifications. Most scripts are irrelevant for everyone except the customer who requested the script. For this reason, you will not find very much technical documentation related to scripts on this knowledge-base.

  • Group: The Group represents generally from which transaction/document/table the script is called.
  • Name: Name is the specific location of the script call within our source code
  • Category: There are 6 categories:
    • Hook: A hook script will get called automatically as AcctVantage processes data. Hooks are generally seen by users as just a part of the system as they don't require a user to specifically 'call' or execute the script.
      • xHook: If you see this script, it is disabled. The "x" prefix is used to denote the script is longer in use. Before being disabled, it could have been any of these types of script, not necessarily a hook.
    • Filter: A filter script will add a custom entry to the Filter By pull down on the list view screen for the related Group.
    • Utility: A utility script is generally for one-time use or an Admin-restricted process used by AV Support to address a specific issue.
    • Report: We can use scripts to add new Reports to AcctVantage. The script Name will show up in the list of reports that is associated with the Group.
    • Action Menu Item: These scripts will add new functionality to the Action Menu (i.e. gear icon) of the list view of the related Group. These custom actions can various functions such as reporting or updating field values.
    • Menu Item: A menu item script adds an entry to the navigation options (i.e. nav bar and menu). Menu Item scripts have a lot of flexibility and can add entirely new modules to the system or do simple tasks like reporting.