Soft Close a Fiscal Period or Fiscal Year
When you Soft Close a Fiscal Period or Year, you can still reopen (i.e. Soft Open) it if needed.
1. Open the Fiscal Period Setup window and select the fiscal periods to close
- Navigate to General Ledger ➤ Fiscal Period Setup.
- Select the Fiscal Year.
- Highlight the Fiscal Periods to be closed.
- Click the Soft Close button.
1.1. Possible warning message
If you have any non-posted transactions in any of the Fiscal Periods you are attempting to close you may see a message like the screenshot below.
You can either Cancel and post the transactions now or Continue and post them at a later date (after using the Soft Open feature.)
3. The Fiscal Periods are now closed
When the Fiscal Periods have been Soft Closed they will appear in red and the Close Date column will be populated with the date the fiscal periods were closed.
If you need to make any changes to a Soft Closed period, you can reopen them by highlighting and clicking the Soft Open button.