What are Setup Type Accounts?

There are features and functions in AcctVantage that automatically use certain GL Accounts that are assigned as Special Accounts. Only a small percentage of your accounts will have a Setup Type assigned and they are generally assigned during the initial implementation of AcctVantage. If you are creating a new account, and think you may need to assign a Setup Type, please consult with Support first.

To define Special Accounts, assign one of the following Setup Type values to the Account card when creating it.

  • A - AR Aging

    Control Accounts for Client A/R Sub-accounts.

  • A - Checking

    Cash Accounts processing Receipts and Checks.

  • L - Client Deposits

    Control Account for Client Deposits.

  • A - Inventory

    Control Accounts for Product + Warehouse Inventory Sub-accounts.

  • L - AP Aging

    Control Accounts for Vendor A/P Sub-accounts.

  • L - Inventory Holding/Accrued Inventory Payable

    Control Account for Vendor Accrued Inventory Payable Sub-accounts (for Voucher processing for Inventory.)

  • L - Deferred Revenue

    Used to capture sales revenue for Orders that have been Invoiced but not yet Shipped.

  • N - Retained Earnings

    For accumulation of earnings (there can only be one of these accounts.)