Fill a Back Order

If you issued and posted a Sales Order with a Backordered Qty, then you've come to the right place. This article will detail how to fulfill those backordered items. You can't fill the original Sales Order because that has been posted, but you're in luck. This is why we have the Backorder feature!

Note: If you want to generate multiple Invoices from the same Sales Order, then the Order must be posted. This process only works with posted Orders.

Find backorders to be filled

Use the Filter by menu in the Backorder screen to find backorders to be filled. When using these filters, the system evaluates the backorders on a case-by-case basis.

  • Filled vs. Not Filled seems pretty self-explanatory. They're either filled or they're not!
  • Can be Filled: These are backorders that could potentially be partially filled. This does not mean all of the backorders can be partially filled right now. It means that any one of them can be at least partially filled.
  • Can be Fully Filled: These are backorders that could potentially be fully filled. This does not mean that all of the backorders can be fully filled right now. It means that any one of them can be fully filled (maybe more than one can be fully filled but that's NOT what the filter is displaying).
  • Past Due: These are backorders that are past the Required Ship Date.
  • Closed vs. Open is another one that seems fairly self-explanatory. These filters are very similar to Filled vs. Not Filled. The primary difference here is that Filled does not necessarily equate to Closed since a backorder could have been closed without being filled (e.g. customer canceled the order before it was filled).

1. Open the Back Orders window

Navigate to Sales ➤ Back Orders

1.1. You can Completely Fill a Backorder....

  1. Highlight the Open Back Order (or previously PARTially filled Back Order)
  2. Go to the Action Menu and select Fill Backorders
You can Completely Fill a Backorder....

1.2. ...or Partially Fill a Backorder

  1. Double Click on a Backorder record to open its detail screen.
  2. Enter the quantity in the Marked to Fill field manually.
...or Partially Fill a Backorder

2. Generate a new Order for Fulfillment and Invoicing

  1. Highlight the filled Back Order.
  2. Go to the Action Menu and select Create Orders for Filled BOs.
    • This will create a Sales Order called an Ord-BO.
    • The Ord-BO will only have a Ship Qty. It will not have an Order Qty because the original Sales Order did.
Generate a new Order for Fulfillment and Invoicing

2.1. Sales Order successfully created.

You will receive this confirmation dialog and AV will create a Sales Document called an Ord-BO.

Sales Order successfully created.

3. Find the Ord-BO

  1. Highlight the Backorder.
  2. Open the Sales Order window.
  3. Cross-reference to the Backorder window.
  4. You can see the original Invoice and the new Ord-BO.
    • The Ord-BO will have a Qty in the Ship Qty column.
    • If you didn't Invoice the customer for all of the ordered items then you'll have a value in the Invoice Qty column.
Find the Ord-BO

4. Same Order Number, new Invoice Number...

When you fill a Backorder, the new Sales Document (i.e. Ord-BO) created above will have the same Order Number as the original sale. A new Invoice Number will be assigned for the items that are being shipped on this document. In this way, you can have a single original order, ship partially, and then generate multiple invoices from the same Order.