Print an Order as an Invoice

If you need to print a non-posted Sales Order as an Invoice, you've come to the right place!

You will need two things to make this happen:

  1. The Custom Form for the Invoice that you want to print instead of the Sales Order form. This form typically will be titled Invoice but will display quantities that have been Ordered (instead of quantities that have Shipped like a normal Invoice).
  2. The ability to log in as Administrator and change settings in System Configuration.

1. System Configuration settings

  1. Navigate to Administration ➤ System Configuration and select Sales Document from the drop-down list.
  2. Scroll down until you see a bunch of settings for Default Custom Form.
  • In this area you can set which Custom Form you want to print for each Order Status of the Sales Document.
  • The setting we are interested in for the purposes of this article is called Default Custom Form: Ord as Inv, Ord Qty. Basically this means that the form should be titled Invoice but the quantities shown will be the Ordered Quantity (as opposed to Shipped Quantity).

Double-click in the Value column for Default Custom Form: Ord as Inv, Ord Qty. You will be presented with a list of your Custom Forms to choose from. Select the Custom Form that meets the previously mentioned criteria.

Click OK to save.

System Configuration settings

2. Select the Order(s) to be printed

Select the Order(s) to be printed

3. Select Sales Document from the list of Available Reports

Select Sales Document from the list of Available Reports

4. Document Printing Options

Check the Print Orders as Invoices box, select one of the following options and then click OK to print.

  • Use Order Quantity: By selecting this option you will print the Custom Form associated with the System Configuration setting for Default Custom Form: Ord as Inv, Ord Qty.
  • Use To Ship Quantity: By selecting this option you will print the Custom Form associated with the System Configuration setting for Default Custom Form: Shipped/Invoice (in other words, no different than printing the Invoice normally).
Document Printing Options