Add a Tax / Surcharge to an Order

If you have additional taxes or fees that need to be added to a sales order (aside from the typical sales tax), there are two custom Tax/Surcharge fields that can be used for this purpose.

In order to use the Tax/Surcharge fields on a Sales Order, we must begin by establishing a few settings.


Navigate to Administration ➤ System Configuration and select Sales Document from the drop-down menu. See below for the list of settings. These are established separately for each of the tax/surcharge fields. Click OK to save when you are finished.

  • Tax/Surcharge AvaTax Code: If you are using the AvaTax integration and you want the tax/surcharge to be exempt from the sales tax calculation, enter the appropriate code from the list that is published by Avalara.
  • Tax/Surcharge Enable: True or False. To make the field enterable, double-click to set this to True.
  • Tax/Surcharge GL Acct: Enter GL Account Code that will be charged for the tax/surcharge amount when the Sales Order is posted. If a GL Account is not entered, orders with a tax/surcharge will fail to post.
  • Tax/Surcharge Name: Enter the field label that you want to appear next to the tax/surcharge field on the Sales Order screen. This is optional. If you want the label to display "Tax/Surcharge" then you can omit this step.
System Configuration - Sales Document

Apply a Tax/Surcharge to a Sales Order.

Once you have completed the setup, you can now use the tax/surcharge fields on the Sales Order.

If you are using the AvaTax integration, any amount entered in the tax/surcharge will be taxable. If the tax/surcharge amount needs any special taxation rules, see the note about the AvaTax Code above.

Sales Order - Tax Surcharge